Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"Huh?" Yan Liang raised his eyelids, gray eyes, and looked at him with salt and lightness.

Arasawa was suddenly anxious and corrupted. "I really doubt, with your bad character, what do the women love you!"

Yan Liangwang played with the wine cup indifferently, "You don't have to worry about these."

He said, his tone was suddenly solemn, looking at the small yard in the distance, and said to Araze, "Araze, you know, people like us have never been able to live like ordinary people since birth. Life. And, if you envy their life, why have you ever thought that they will envy you too? "


Huang Ze opened his mouth and said nothing.

He bowed his head, "Yes, I know all of this ..."

"So, go back to Kyoto quickly and don't worry them. One day outside, you are a little more dangerous. You only have to go back. Under those people's eyelids, those with ulterior motives want to move you. a bit."

Huang Ze knew that what Yan Liang said was for his good. He seemed to think of something, he gritted his teeth, and a bit of unwillingness appeared in his eyes.

"Sooner or later, sooner or later, I must--"


The always indifferent pupils made a sudden warning and warned: "Be careful and act carefully!"

No matter where he is, Yan Liang will not expose his true character and secrets to outsiders, which is a fatal flaw.

Especially Araki--

Entrusted by someone, I have to beware of it all the time. Fortunately, Aozawa is not a straw bag, otherwise, with his body, he will die sooner or later.

"I know, I will be careful," Huang Ze nodded, obviously knowing that Yan Liang was for his good. In a flash, his eyes changed, and he looked at Yan Liang seriously, and said to him: "I When you go back this time, you have to be alone in Taohua Village. You must be very careful. I suspect they ca n’t move me and will take you away. ”

Upon hearing the words, Yan Liang smiled.

In that smile, the corners of the lips were slightly curved, light and light, and hard to detect. "Relax, I can't die, no one can move me."

The spring breeze touched the willow branches, and the wicker covered with green leaves was blown away by the wind. A row of birds flew across the sky. On the small pavilion in the attic, the two toasted and drank. The degree of the lips is put aside.

The two said many more things on it. When the man in purple went away, the shortcomings in the man in white were exposed.

It turned out that the blanket on his lower body lifted up and turned out to be sitting on a wheelchair.


Su Kui worked for a day, tired of backache, but found that he did nothing.

Fortunately, she also has good cooking skills, which can make Xiao Nianjun have a good time.

The food was very rudimentary. A few grass carp, or Uncle Liu, who was next door, had taken too much from the river, and gave them some by the way.

But it can be tasted very good for their poor little family.

On weekdays during the holidays, it is not always possible to eat meat.

So when Su Kui made a good meal, the fragrance flew out of the kitchen, and spread into the small courtyard, even Mu Nianjun, who had a small face, seemed to be restored to his face.

After the meals were served on the table, Su Kui found another problem.

That is, in any case, Mu Nianjun seems unwilling to eat with her.

In the past, Mu Zhi hated Mu Nianjun. He felt that it was because of him, his happy family, that he would be separated, separated by yin and yang.

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