Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!


Nan Xuange was amused. He laughed twice and was choked with a heartbreaking cough. The more painful, the more funny.

Be faithful? What kind of loyalty?

He lived in this court since he was young, and he was accustomed to the eunuchs' deception to deceive and deceive the master. Now when someone backs up, they admit that they are minions. In the past, he often did not know whether he was a minion or they!

Thinking about the hot eyes, there were tears that could not help falling out of the eyes. The blood scabs on the cheeks were washed away by the tears, and the slight pain came out.

This is the benefit of rights!

At this moment, Nan Xuange's heart has undergone earth-shaking changes. He wants to become stronger, so strong that everyone must bow to him and no one dares to trample on his self-esteem!

At this time, Nan Xuange's eyes were blood red, and he felt like he was going to be enchanted.

Suddenly, a touch of coldness was touched on his face, and Nan Xuange looked up with tears in his eyes, and then glanced into the star-like star-like eyes that looked like a glazed glass.

For a moment, Su Xuange suddenly awakened when he felt a pain in his cheek, and he noticed that Su Kui pinched his cheek with two fingers.

Suddenly his eyes widened, angry, "What are you doing? Jingliu Kite!"

"Oh, the little fart boy is really not cute. Do you want to tell my sister?"

"Well, I don't call it, you are just a few years old." I don't know why, deep in Nan Xuange's heart, he kept telling him, don't call, don't call. His eyes rolled, and he saw the three young eunuchs still begging for mercy on the ground, and he immediately thought of the plan he had in mind.

He opened his mouth and said coldly, "Hey, Jing Liuxuan, I have decided, after all, the master and servant have done a good job, and I have sent them out, and it is a complete friendship between the master and the servant."

Su Kui shrugged, arms around her chest, "Well, if you don't call, don't call, but ... do you really think so?"

Her eyes were too thorough, and she looked over as if she could see the bottom of her heart at a glance. Nan Xuange couldn't help avoiding his sight, covering his bloodthirsty meaning in the blood-red pupil with his eyes, "Nature."

"Good." Su Kui nodded indifferently. "Then let them go."

Anyway, she doesn't like to get bloodied on her hands. If she can, she still prefers to be a behind-the-scenes pusher. Contaminated with blood, it is left to others to do it!

Several eunuchs were loosened. Because of the long-term bondage, their hands and feet were already stiff and could not move. They slumped on the ground and rushed to Nan Xuange and Su Kui.


Su Kui narrowed his eyes, only hope, you can thank him like this in the future-

Looking out through the leaky wooden window, the snow outside has stopped, but the time is gone, and it has been so long in the court.

I thought that Nan Xuange was really going to be ill, but after meeting, I realized that this kind of human life was so hard, how could it be easy to die.

"That's it, let's go!" She looked at the almost empty interior, frowning and asked, "Do you have anything else to clean up? If you have any, order it to the palace as soon as possible. "

Go, this word is so exciting.

Nan Xuange shivered slightly, shaking his head and whispering, "No." He had been alone since he was born, and the concubine resented the emperor all day long. There was nothing left for him.

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