Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2476: Don't touch Lao Zi's wild (eight)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

A group of melon-eating crowds around were shocked, and one or two became dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

Isn't Yunxi a weak white lotus?

This time he was so ruthless? Just looking at her pumping action with such a thick book, it made people feel cold and felt pain.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The boy's back of the hand swelled up a big piece, and soon it turned blue and purple.

"Yunxi, you wait for me!"

The boy glared at her fiercely and dropped a cruel remark, it was estimated that he ran towards the infirmary.

Su Kui shrugged and pointed at his back, said lightly: "Well, I hope you didn't tell the teacher!"

Laugh around, sue the teacher?

Such a low-level approach, only elementary school students will do it? This time, the girls looked at Su Kui differently.

It seems that she is not so annoying--

The boy ’s words, maybe other boys listened and thought it was nothing. But only when the girl heard it would feel sick. In particular, they were still classmates. In front of so many people, it was too much to ask a girl when she was wearing a maid costume.

After all, this is not online, but red fruit, without any hidden reality.

On the Internet, anyway, across the screen, no one knows who you are. But in reality, talking and doing things are all looked at with a pair of eyes.

Su Kui is not worried about the boy's complaint, even if the complaint? Now they are universities. They are college students and adults, and they are qualified to be responsible for their actions.

Presumably, the boy has no face, dare to go to the teacher and tell the truth about why Su Kui beat him!


"Yo, the elementary school girl has gone violently, she has a personality!"

No one noticed the chaos in the classroom. Two young people, one after the other, who were equally handsome and handsome, passed by the door of the classroom.

He Zi was also happy, raising his brows badly, catching up with Sheng Shiyi in two or two steps, and the two went down the stairs together to the student department.

On the way, He Zi couldn't hide the burning gossip in his heart. He bumped into Sheng Shiyi's arm and squeezed his eyebrows. "Hey, Shiyi, did you see the cute girl in the classroom just now? Do you know who she is?" ? "

Sheng Shi was indifferent, and he didn't want to ignore him at all.

"Don't want to know, flash away."

He didn't lift his eyelids, and He Zi, who had passed the road, walked straight into the student department.

"Eh, you are too boring! You don't pay attention to it all day, then you don't pay attention, I really don't know, how can you have so many fans like this dead face!"

He Zi also badly wrong his teeth, quite envious of jealousy and hate, he touched his face, clearly he looks good, a good cut of fresh meat?

It can grow from small to large, but wherever he appears with him, even the consistent iceberg face in the prosperous age still gets more attention than him.

Seeing Sheng Shiyi was really not interested, but He Zi did not want to let him go.

"Speaking of this, this elementary school girl is still our colleague, um ... barely half a peer!"

After all, their real professions are professional e-sports players! Live broadcast is just a monthly requirement in the club.

"Wow, I have watched her live broadcast before. She looks very cute. Hey Sheng Shiyi, what kind of girl do you like? Yunxi kind of soft girl, do you like it?"

"I can help you to match ..."


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