Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2479: Don't touch the wild of Laozi (11)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Han Tianwan's account is one of the ones he asked for.

The result is conceivable, the sentiment is terrible, and it was sprayed by teammates.

Eventually, the teammates collapsed mentally. When they insisted on not throwing in the third row, they began to betray their teammates, report addresses, and give away first-rate behaviors.

Even if Sheng Shiyi and He Zi were more skilled, they could not afford three teammates who obviously gave up treatment.

Especially one of them is a veritable rookie.

And, both of them, because of the entertainment psychology, are playing new heroes.

"Uh um, okay, I should practice my skills well, I'm sorry, Shiyi, pit you."

Han Tian carefully observed Sheng Shiyi's complexion, fearing he would be angry.

"It's okay."

"Zi Yi, come here, we will open another game."

"Good!" Without Han Tian's presence, He Ziyi's voice was much louder.

He was really scared. In playing games, He Ziyi's mentality was far less stable than Sheng Shiyi. Even if the opponent is a teammate or spurs him across the face, there is no blink of an eye.

Not to mention the response.

Hezi is also different, he sprayed people in the game, as fun.

This game is very hot, and the match is naturally very fast.

At this time, the time has arrived at 11 noon.

It is estimated that after another game, you can eat.

"Hey Shiyi, what are you playing this time?"

Sheng Shi thought for a while, "Well, ad." His voice was cold, it sounded no temperature, and it was light.

Han Tian almost couldn't help but want to smash things.

What is wrong with her? Han Tian felt that he had paid enough for Sheng Shiyi, why did the other party just look down on her? ! When she was playing support, Sheng Shi didn't play ad all her life. She watched the game and didn't play the game. Instead, he played ad.

Just wait for her? !

In fact, Han Tian really thought about it. People like Sheng Shiyi, for those who don't care, are simply too lazy to give a little glance.

He Zi also nodded, "Well, then I will play with the assistant and protect you."

Exactly, let someone see what is a competent assistant!

Just now I don't know how many times she was sold by her, let alone protected, and He Zi also specially gave her anti-injury.

Just think about it, it won't work.

"Yo, choose Luna in 1L seconds, okay, don't know if it's a pit or a god."

He Zi also saw the first floor and raised an eyebrow. "Do you think I'm cute? Is this a powerful name, is it a girl?"

He was guilty of what he said, and he couldn't help typing.

Sheng Shi squeezed his eyebrows with a headache, feeling that 80% of this game had to kneel again, why? Teammates are too unreliable.

Especially He Ziyi, a pig teammate!

That's right, the id "Do you think I'm cute" is Su Kui himself.

After coming out of the classroom, Su Kui went back to his place and went to the game alone.

She is quite obsessed with Luna recently, and feels that the operability is very strong, the operation is good, the lethality is even more explosive.

However, it is easy to be targeted.

This time, there was no ban Luna in the ranking, she was the first mover, and immediately locked Luna.

Walking thief: do you think I'm cute? Is 1L a sister? Luna will do, don't pit!

Su Kui confirmed the initial outfit, and saw the sentence, and directly opened the voice.

"You haven't started playing yet, how do you know that I will pit? Hmm? Little saosao?"


He Zi was drinking water. Hearing this nickname, a sip of water sprayed on the screen.

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