Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2490: Don't touch the wild of Laozi (22)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

He Zi also raised his head and moved his neck by accident. He couldn't help noticing his expression. He was so frightened that he stumbled when he talked. "Lying trough, you just laughed, right?"

Prosperity took a slight pause, the movement in his hand was slow, and was almost arrested by Na Lulu passing by the middle road.

Did he just smile?

The early development is good, Su Kui fight, and also very happy.

On the road, Huang Zhong and Su Lie were harassed. At this time, Hua Mulan had just reworked, the lethality burst, and he had control-free skills.

Instead, under the protection of Su Lie, Huang Zhong was killed several times.

In the mid-term, Su Kui lost a tower on this side, and the outer towers of the three lines of the enemy were all pushed away.

Su Kui began to wander around to catch orders. At this time, she was more like a jungler. The original Li Bai was in vain.

Even if he yelled and yelled in the voice, it didn't help.

Su Kui can't rob the wild, even if it is a gift, he has no value at all.

After killing him, he couldn't get much money at all, and became the bottom hero in the team, and even the assistant, which had more than two thousand economy than him.

In Su Kui's eyes, this Li Baiwan dish's picking feet, even most of them can not brush, often be caught.

Even in the barrage, they all scolded this person for being pitted, absolutely actor-like.

In the later stage, it is difficult to fight. If Lu Bu and Su Lie develop, they alone will fight, especially Huang Zhong.

"Without delaying, the middle road will be demolished directly."

"Wait for me to get a dragon."

Su Kui no longer counted on Li Bai and took his place. After driving Xiaolong, she told others to drag on and walked towards the direction of Dalong.

Sun Shangxiang was helping her, and Sun Bing was checking nearby. Zhuge of Sheng Shiyi had just accidentally died once and had not yet been resurrected.

But Su Kui, currently 12-0-6, did not die once.

At present, she has produced four large pieces, and cooperates with Sun Shangxiang. The dragon drops blood quickly.

Obviously it will be almost eliminated.

Suddenly saw Li Bai talking in the game.

(All) Grab the wild and send (Li Bai): We Mulan and Sun Shangxiang are playing the big dragon, the residual blood, come on!

"Fuck! Li Bai, are you an idiot?"

He Zi was also angry. At this time, Dalong had one third left, and they did not punish him. I thought Li Bai had betrayed the organization and could not help at all.

Nicole Lulu was playing wild in the Blue Zone. Seeing this sentence, she brought her teammates all around.

Su Kui had the wrong teeth, "Li Bai, you are great ~" After she finished, she left a sentence to Sun Shangxiang, turned around and took Sun Bin to deal with the five people.

"Saosao, you hit it first, I'll hold it here."

"Sun Bin to the big one!"

Sun Bin is big enough to slow down.

Lu Bu rushed over, and the rest of the crowd swarmed. Sun Bin's big man happened to be thrown at his big one, and five of them slowed down.

Su Kui switched the epee into the battlefield, pushed the five people away, and removed half of the blood from his crisp skin.

Her hand speed was very fast, the switch was reduced, and she relied on walking, first cut off Huang Zhong who was standing behind, Zhen Ji zoomed in, and directly frozen her.

Sun Bin was killed.

At this moment, Sun Shangxiang's last shot finally killed the dragon, but she didn't cry blood in the early stage, and the bloodline is also very dangerous at this moment.

"Go back, don't come."

Su Kui was very calm, sold his shoes in a second, just enough gold coins, bought the resurrection armor.

Zhen Ji froze her, and the remaining three people swarmed up and hammered her to death.

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