Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2495: Don't touch the wild of Laozi (27)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

He Ziyi also felt the water stain on his face in awkwardness, "Ah" rushed up, "Sheng Shiyi, I killed you !!!"

Starting today, he decided to have a close relationship with Sheng Shi!

Before losing him, he thought that the other party liked him, but now I think of it. How can the other party like him because he does not hang on him to die? ?

Sheng Shi can jump him away with one finger, and leave a few steps away, his eyes are disgusted and indifferent, "He Ziyi, do you need me to contact a psychiatrist? I decided that your brain needs to be rebuilt."

Patting him on the shoulder, a narrow gaze of Feng Shi, staring sharply at his eyes, said: "Even if the world is lost, only the two of us remain, I would rather live with my five-fingered girl. Rest assured of your chrysanthemum, can you rest assured? "

Lying trough lying trough! !

He Zi also had only two words left in his heart at this time.

"Sheng Shiyi, did you make an appointment with that person ?!" Why bother to despise his IQ.

Does he really look stupid? and also--

What is the fall of the world, only two of them are left, and he won't take his chrysanthemum, his chrysanthemum—

wait wait wait……

Does his focus seem to be right?

Sheng Shiyi had originally planned to leave this bad friend's room, but in the end did not take two steps, his eyes did not know what happened, attracted by the phone ringing in bed all the time.

He stooped and picked up his phone from the bed.

He Zi also looked at it and suddenly panicked.

"Aoao Ao, what are you doing in Sheng Shiyi, who peeked at someone's privacy and violated the law, you you you—"

In the prosperous age, one meter and nine meters, it is a head taller than He Zi. The person has long hands and long ape arms. Rao Shi He Zi also jumped up and failed.

Just a glance, Sheng Shi smiled as soon as he saw it.

"I like you? Desiring? Huh?"

"How is the progress? Is the chrysanthemum okay? Do you need to send you some chrysanthemum spirit?" He read it word by word according to the chat record in WeChat.

Sheng Shi seemed to laugh rather than laugh, he said a word, He Zi also counseled, more and more counsel, more and more wronged.

I do n’t dare to get enough mobile phone, now I have no idea in my brain, just want to get out.

Ma Ma! Flourishing Prosperity One is terrible and spicy!

"Tell me, who is she?"

He Zi also deflated his mouth, "Little cute."

Very good, if Su Kui knew that He Zi also succumbed to the prosperity of Sheng Shiyi, he did not hesitate to sell her.

It will definitely be cruel, and Hezi will be tied to the nightclub to wash and sell it!


Thin lips lightly hooked, Sheng Shi dropped this sentence and turned to leave.

When he came out of his room, He Ziyi crawled softly to get his mobile phone, and wrote to Su Kui with a sad face.

Hehe was afraid that he would not survive today: it was over, annoying the big devil.

Hehe is afraid that he can't live today: Big Brother, tell you an unfortunate news, our chat records are all seen by the big devil.

Su Kui couldn't laugh.

Today's Xixi is also very cute :? ? ?

Today ’s Xixi is also very cute: why do you say it again? Lao Tzu's fifty-meter sword!

Therefore, she misled He Ziyi's remarks, and even teased him and Sheng Shiyi, were all seen by Sheng Shiyi?


Unable to sneeze, Su Kui dropped his phone and rubbed his nose.

I suddenly felt a little cold, I hope it is an illusion!


Facts have proved that it is an illusion.

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