Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2503: Don't touch the wild of Laozi (35)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Basically, the two of them have the most heads.

Teammates are also very powerful, knowing that once he grabs Zhuge Liang's head, his big move will fall into cd, basically will pay attention, will not rob him.

The battle ended very quickly, and within ten minutes, it pushed to the enemy crystal.

With the crystal burst, a big victory appeared in the middle of the game.

[6666, I have to say that the girl ’s rhythm is pretty good. 】

[We are also awesome, and they look great! 】

[Just as soon as I heard a knock on the door from Yishen? Who? 】

[One more game, I envy playing the difficult hero like Li Bai, I ca n’t afford to hurt the party! 】

[Xixi is exactly what I imagined. As a girl, one day, with your little brothers, kill the Quartet! 】

"Actually, girls don't lose to boys when they play games, but many people have a prejudice against girls. They think that the pit goods are both elementary and female college students."

Su Kui moved the mouse and invited Sheng Shi to make a double row. Seeing that He Zi was still waiting, this time he was no longer disappointed. By the way, he pulled him in and started to match.

By the way, he kept saying, "But what I want to say more is that pit goods are pit goods, regardless of gender or age. In fact, people who say that they are pitted are not much better."

"After all, the real great **** can fly, like me."

In front of a serious book, people couldn't help but listen to the poisonous chicken soup she brought. As a result, she accidentally vomited blood when she heard the following words.

[Good girl, say change, change! 】

[Emmm, well said, I chose to die. 】

[Dry this bowl of poisonous chicken soup, I agree with the previous half sentence. 】

Even He Zi couldn't help vomiting, "Bah, shameless."

After winning a few games in a row, each game is basically controlled to end within ten minutes. The rhythm is fast and almost hangs on the opposite side. The audience watching is directly hooked.

Two hours passed quickly, Su Kui couldn't help but yawned, and sleepy physiological tears squeezed out of his eyes.


Sheng Shi moved his neck a little, sitting for a long time, his neck and wrists were not very comfortable.

But it is still within the tolerable range. In the previous training, the higher intensity was much longer than this time.

"Well, kind of."

Su Kui nodded, "Don't fight, my friends who like me can click a little bit of attention. Today, there is a wave of traffic. I will start the live broadcast myself tomorrow. Remember to come and see me!"

The voice just fell, and the number of eye-catching concerns continued to grow.

It has been growing to more than 50,000 before it began to slow down. Su Kui estimates that by the time it is broadcast again tomorrow, it will probably exceed 100,000.

Yes, she is already satisfied.

[Good night Xixi, take a good rest ~]

[Goodbye, goodbye, live broadcast early tomorrow, waiting for you! 】

[Reluctant to fight for a while! 】

[Sweep a set of gifts, go to bed early! 】

Sheng Shi took a sip of water and nodded his throat, and nodded when he heard the words, "Well, go to bed early." The dumb voice, with a trace of tiredness.

It's eleven o'clock at night. It's really not early, the girl is better to rest early.

"good night."

Good night to each other, Su Kui shut down and walked out of the room to wash.

The restroom was outside, just hitting Tang Babe after the shower.

"Not yet asleep?" It's hard to come by. For the baby Tang who has eaten and slept, he hasn't slept at eleven o'clock, which is very rare!

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