Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2508: Don't touch the wild of Laozi (forty)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"But! I really met a super cute little loli today, one by one, I think I am in love !!"

Speaking of Su Kui, he was all rippling, holding his hands in his hands, his chin on his back, an intoxicated look.

If you ignore a piece of rice in the corner of his mouth, it still looks like a prince.


Now, from his body, Sheng Shi one saw the breath of S2.

Therefore, the consequence of ignoring He Ziyi is that he spent the whole afternoon wandering behind Sheng Shiyi and kept talking about what he encountered at noon.

"Eh one by one, how do you think I chased that elementary school girl?"

"Bang Biao Bang, she is so beautiful, you made it!"

"It was the anchor before! A little beauty!"

"Wow I saw her wearing a tutu costume, wow super cute!"

"Yi Yi ~ Sheng Shi Yi! Have a look!"

Sheng Shi couldn't bear it any more. He twitched his sword eyebrow tightly and kicked him violently with one foot. "Go away, not interested!"

The world is finally quiet.


Now Su Kui's live broadcast frequency has stabilized, and she has accumulated her own fans. At present, her number of fans has exceeded one million, and half of them are Sheng Shiyi's fans.

According to the current trend, she should be able to discover the identity of Sheng Shiyi.

Therefore, Zuo Siyou thought, she decided to send WeChat to Sheng Shi and give it a try.

Doubtful Xixi: One by one, I will ask you a question ~ _ (: з 」∠)

But within a minute, Sheng Shiyi replied, the same simple and clear.

ssy: Well, say.

Doubtful Xixi: You are a professional player, I watched your game video before and found one thing QAQ

ssy :?

Doubtful Xixi: One by one is a big student!

When Sheng Shi was shocked when she read the book, did she know? But this matter, there are not many people who know on the Internet, and he did not deliberately hide it, and he was admitted as a half-public figure.

ssy: yes, what's wrong?

Doubtful Xixi: Hey, no ~~

Looking at the wavy lines behind her, and then recalling the tone she should use when she said this, she couldn't help but her thin lips couldn't help lightly hooking.

ssy: Want to see me?

Doubtful Xixi: Wow the magic trick! One by one super handsome, ask for signatures and photos!

ssy: Okay, come to me.

Doubtful Xixi: Would you like to eat? I want to eat Japanese food from Dongdaemun, and I want to drink orange juice.

ssy: All right, I invite.

When Sheng Shi saw the phrase "Dongmen's Day" she said, a strange feeling flashed in her heart, and she couldn't catch it and disappeared in a flash.

How is she so clear?

As for the reason, he naturally did not expect that Su Kui would be his school girl.

After the pleasant communication was over, Su Kui put down his mobile phone and rolled in excitement on the bed.

Tang Babe, who was eating snacks wholeheartedly, looked up strangely, looking at Su Kui, who was crazy, and asked silly, "Xi Xi, what are you doing? Are you so happy?"

"Yes!" Su Kui grunted up, touched Tang Babe's head, and said softly: "Baby, I'm about 80% off."


"Yes, I have a male **** to pursue, I want to chase him!"


Su Kui? ? ?

"Don't you eat, can you respond more to other things?" Su Kui escaped the small biscuit in her hand and squeaked her bite with a cold expression.

"Yes, congratulations!"

The chubby hand tweeted tweeted, very sincere congratulations.

Su Kui rolled her eyes unsightly and threw the small cookies to her, "Forget it, you should eat!"

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