Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2513: Don't touch the wild of Laozi (45)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"Yeah." Su Kui's innocent face, "I just tease you, who knows you are so easy to believe me, hey, IQ is worrying."

She shook her head and sighed.

He Ziyi had only one sentence to say at this time: mdzz!

Sheng Shi once passed a long buffer period, but his expression was still a little stunned. He thought that the other party told him to come to him in WeChat, it was a joke.

Unexpectedly, the next day, she seemed to come to him with all the sunshine.

I really didn't expect that all the original imagination at this moment was materialized, and it turned into a small one in front of it, like a doll in the window, and it shattered like a little girl when touched.


These two words were spoken from his mouth. Su Kui's eyes widened happily. It was really like the imagination. It made people feel heart and happiness!

"It's me. If you say you want to invite me to dinner, do you still count?"

Since Su Kui came in, his eyes have been crescent-shaped, and the dimples on his lips have sunk sweetly, as if they were filled with honey.

With her hands behind her back, she stirred.

"Oh ... of course."

The narrow eyes are deep and silent, just surprised, just like an illusion.

In his dark eyes, the figure of the girl is clearly reflected, so small, how can it be so powerful in the game.

It's really puzzling and surprising, isn't it?


This is the first time that Sheng Shiyi has walked side by side with a girl since he entered school.

It can be called the biggest news of the year in this school. The students coming and going all turned their curiosity on Su Kui and Sheng Shiyi.

Sheng Shiyi was really tall, Su Kui walked beside him, just like his brother took his underage sister to go shopping.

She was a little depressed, so tall, looking at his face, she had to look up at her neck, and she was so tired.

Sheng Shi's lips and lips have been smiling lightly, and his eyes are clear, and he pays attention to the girl next to him from time to time peeking at him. And he was very satisfied with the height difference between the two. As long as he lowered his head, he could get all the interesting small expressions on her small face into her eyes.

This is good.

Soon, the news that Sheng Shiyi paired with a freshman girl in pairs, as if she had wings, flew all over the campus.

On the forum, there are also candid photos of their front and back photos.

The two are not really close, and walking together side by side is more like a friend. There is no intimate movement like hooking shoulders, holding hands or the like.

However, the people who couldn't help eating melons would be able to make up their minds. Soon, the news that Sheng Shiyi was single for three years and was finally taken away by the first-year elementary school girl was very popular, and it was spread on the school forum.

As for the other heroine, naturally also got the news.

She stared hard at the computer, even though the pixels were so high, she could still see the pictures of the expressions of the two.

Sheng Shiyi, who has always been indignant and indifferent, has such a gentle smile with such a gentle smile, and it seems that the eyes of a pair of eyes are dyed with spring light?

No, never!

In addition to facing the girl beside him!

As for the girl, she is familiar with it, even if it turns into gray, she can know it!

A few days ago, in the cafeteria, the companion of the girl who was hit by her, had sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, no compensation, someone who wanted her to apologize!

The enemy's road is narrow, new hatreds and old hatreds are added together!

Yunxi, right?

After watching for a while, if his eyes can be embodied and can kill, Su Kui's body has long been pierced by her murderous eyes.

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