Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Zhou Yize pressed his lips and smiled, pretending not to see her cunning eyes, and the psychological uneasiness finally disappeared.

For the first time living with a female ghost, Zhou Yize couldn't rest more calmly, no matter how big he was.

After thinking about it, I didn't eat at night, I was really hungry.

He simply cleaned up the messy kitchen and remade himself a simple bowl of egg tomato noodles.

As soon as he reached the dining table, he picked up a chopstick noodle, and before he put it in his mouth, he met with a pair of eyes, implied look.

Yes, it can be said to be very pitiful.

"Want to eat?"

Zhou Yize raised his eyebrows and asked Su Kui funny, "Tell me your name first."

Su Kui held her face and squatted on the chair opposite him. No, to be precise, it should be floating.


She concealed her name a little, and in private, she had not been called intimately for a long time.


"Hmm!" Su Kui nodded seriously and continued to stare at the bowl of noodles.

Poor to say, under the influence of Qiao Shuyu, Su Kui has not tasted the delicious food on earth for some time.

As for Qiao Shuyu, not to mention it, she is even more pitiful.

After the death of her parents, no one offered her sacrifices during the holidays. She was also a coward, and she didn't dare to grab food from other kids.

So, I have been hungry for nearly a thousand years.

"Okay, Qiao Qiao." Zhou Yize is so smart, it is natural to see that Qiao Qiao is not her full name.

But he was not the one who broke the casserole and asked the end. He knew what he wanted to call, and the province asked her to call her a ghost.

"Well, let's eat." Pushing the chopsticks to her, Zhou Yize raised his chin and allowed her to eat.

With permission, Su Kui's eyes were brighter, but he didn't expect him to know how to offer sacrifices to the dead.

If this is the case for a non-professional, it is necessary for the devotee to tell the person in person that the things are for her, then she can come across and taste.

vice versa.

"Wow, it tastes so good !!"

Under the influence of Qiao Shuyu, even Su Kui felt the same for a long time.

A simple bowl of noodles was eaten by her.

Zhou Yize couldn't help crying, watching her gobbling, helpless, "eat slowly, no one will rob you."

The words fell, stunned, the bowl in front of him was already empty.

"You--" Zhou Yize is dumb, this woman is actually only a starving ghost, right?

Su Kui was also a little embarrassed. She wiped her mouth, shook her body, and squeezed, "I haven't eaten in a long time. After my father and mother went, no one gave me anything."

Speaking of which, inexplicably sad.

Zhou Yize was speechless, went to the kitchen in silence, and served a bowl of noodles to her again.

In the end, all the noodles came into Su Kui's belly.

In the middle of the night, Zhou Yize was lying on the soft bed, tossing and turning, listening to the idol drama hero and heroine from the living room downstairs.

He turned over with a headache and felt his stomach became more hungry.

God knows why he gave all the food to a ghost. Will the ghost be hungry?

Compared with each other, they will starve to death first, should he?

Chaos and chaos, sleeping in the past.

When he woke up early in the morning, the sunlight had naughty through the curtains that had not been fully drawn into the room, and plummeted into the room, falling on his face.

In the air, small floating dust particles floated, and Zhou Yize stretched out his hands, a pair of hands with long fingers and distinct bones.

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