Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

As for the parties involved, it is really hard to tell.

"Hey, hey, you have a pet, you see me, you are happy all day, you should thank me!"

Zhou Yize sneered and wanted to get started pulling her face, asking how thick her face was.

"No shame or impatience!"

"Then what do you say! Why should I buy clothes for me? I'm so distressed?" Su Kui didn't follow him and thumped on his back.

Zhou Yize was impatiently entangled, clenched his teeth and patted it.

The world is quiet.

"Wow, you touch my ass!"

For a while, Su Kui shouted loudly, "If you touch me, you will be responsible for me, and you will be my person in the future!"

"Beside, little girl, if I can touch you, that's fine." Zhou Yize was helpless.

But the sentence can be felt--

Isn't it a luxury?

In fact, Zhou Yize looked at her wearing this body, uncomfortable, out of step with the surroundings, always reminding her of her identity.

And for so long, it still maintained a miserable appearance, and looked even more pitiful.


To the store.

The boy, about eighteen or nine years old, greeted him and gave Zhou Yize a cup of hot tea. "Boss, are you here? The guests are already waiting inside."

"Huh." Zhou Yize nodded, took off his coat, put it on his arm, and walked towards the rest room in the back.

The lounge is very simple, the whole house imitates the appearance of an ancient hall, but with a modern sofa, low-key reddish brown.

There was incense on the table, and the room was filled with the scent of ambergris.

In today's era, ambergris is not just the emperor's exclusive.

On the contrary, it is the rich, who like to use these things to pretend.

Listening to Su Kui's words on his back, Zhou Yize didn't change his face. He walked straight to the man on the sofa and held out his hand.

Very good, it seems immune to my vomiting.

Su Kui pouted, holding Zhou Yize's neck and looking up.

All of a sudden stiff, stunned on the spot.

White dust wind?

What does it mean to break through iron shoes and find nowhere to get it?

She admitted that she was afraid that once Qiao Shuyu's wish had been fulfilled, she would have to reincarnate.

Su Kuifen is very clear, even if she is fighting with Zhou Yize every day with Qiao Shuyu's appearance and soul shell.

But after all, she is not herself.

When her wish is fulfilled in this world, she certainly cannot continue to exist.

So, what will happen to the lover left behind?

He must not accept it.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Yize asked something softly and felt soft.


At this time, Bai Chenfeng smiled and stood up, shaking hands with Zhou Yize.

The man who can attract Qiao Shuyu to death, but still can't put it down, really looks great.

The handsome young man's face is as white as jade, and his eyes are warm.

Whether it is ancient or modern, it is the existence of attracting women.

Now, should it be small fresh meat?

Zhou Yize is diametrically opposed to him. The outline is cold and hard, which is another kind of good-looking, but the good-looking does not have the slightest girliness. Approaching him, you can feel the overwhelming hormonal breath.

"Hello Mr. Zhou, I am Bai Chenfeng. This time I'm harassing you because I brought a piece of jade this time. It was given to me by the mother of my hometown before I died. I said it was a family biography. Could you please help me identify it? "


Facing outsiders, Zhou Yize has always been stern.

He nodded, his deep voice, persuasive.

In response to his response, Bai Chenfeng took a wooden box from his side and carefully opened it.

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