Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

The faint light shadow at that point gradually disappeared.

"Why don't you go in? Feeling timid near home?"

Yuzao stood in the shadow and smiled in the corners of her lips. She held her arms and asked Su Kui with a smile.

Su Kui opened his mouth and looked at Zhou Yize again.

Zhou Yize's eyes are complicated, and everything in front of him is too real to tell him. Does this exist in reality, or is it just a dream.

"Go." He comforted softly.

Not curious what happened that night? Then go and see for yourself.

Su Kui's mood is very complicated, that is the emotion that Qiao Shuyu hides in her heart.

Looking at the quaint big bed, the sleeping girl.

She has the same face as the person beside the bed, but looks much healthier. Because she is a human--

The ruddy cheeks and dark hair are brighter than her pale now.

She wore a bright yellow blouse before death, covered with fragrant bedding.

Qiao Shuyu is really loved by her parents, and the best for her.

The incense in the room, furnishings, and then on the dressing table, a box of jewelry in the box.

The Qiao family is still the largest merchant in Shangqiu. Over the years, there has been a tendency to overwhelm the Bai family.

The key is that Father Qiao is very business-minded, and Father Bai all relies on his father in the family to wait for the death of the real master of Bai family.

The new family members are useless, the young children are still small, no matter what they do, they can only lose money.

In the end, we can only live by the industry left by our predecessors.


Su Kui sat down by the bed and looked at the sleeping Qiao Shuyu.

Zhou Yize's eyes are complicated. He seems to have passed through, becoming a visitor in this period of history.

Time passed by one minute and one second. It was easy. It was estimated that only Yuzao was holding the idea of ​​watching the drama.

She even hummed a minor key and comforted Su Kui and Zhou Yize so that they would not be nervous.

Zhou Yize frowned, but it was okay if he didn't listen to it.

"Oh, here we come."

Yuzao stopped in a minor tune, looked in the direction of the window, stepped back two steps, and disappeared into the darkness.

Su Kui and Zhou Yize didn't have time to react, only to see that the window was pushed up from the outside, and then the two short people walked in lightly.

They looked at the people on the bed and looked at each other with a pity.

"Unfortunately, unfortunately, just blame you for blocking the way of people who shouldn't block. In the future, Huangquan Road, don't blame us."

Blocking the road?

Did the governor's only daughter do it? Or maybe there is a part of Bai family involved?

Without letting her wait too long, the two stood beside her bed, looking at Qiao Shuyu, who was not aware of it, and said softly: "There is a cause for everything, and I am also entrusted by someone. If you want to get revenge in the future, go to Meng Yuru Baijia. "

Su Kui's heart sank a little, his eyes cold.


Is it because the Bai family found that Meng Yuru's background is more useful than marriage with her?

She bowed her head and gave a wry smile.

Zhou Yize moved his lips, trying to comfort her hand, but passed through her soul.

The room is lit with incense, if there is a fragrance that seems to be absent, the two sing, whisper, tempting, calling.


"Jojo, Jojo, come here—"

"Come here--"

Qiao Shuyu slowly opened his confused eyes, opened the quilt involuntarily, and got up.

The two little men opened the door.

"Jojo, come—"

Their voices became lower and lower, soft and gentle, which made people unable to relax their minds.

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