Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2561: Did you see my little brain axe (3)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"Lack of profit, lack of profit ..."

Hearing the call, Su Kui quickly agreed, "Yes, Mother-in-law, what do you call me?"

In the wheelchair of another house, an old man with gray hair and a gully filled face was sitting, her panting weakly, her eyes closed, not looking carefully, it was even hard to find that her chest was still breathing.

"You come and come."

With her beckoning, Su Kui walked over to squat down and looked up at her, "What's wrong, mother-in-law, is it uncomfortable?"

One of her frowning and lacking desires was to ask her mother-in-law to die peacefully and not tortured by her illness.

This is not difficult, but the orc world is Su Kui's first experience.

The orcs were powerful and unreasonable, and many of her methods could not be used.

"I'm fine, thank you," the old man said slowly, with a trace of abnormal flush on his face. "It's you, did you encounter something unhappy, I, I think you are very unhappy."

"You take the medicine first!"

Su Kui hurriedly found out the medicine, poured two pills, and soaked it in the water before sending it to the old man's mouth, carefully feeding her to drink.

When she saw her breathing was normal, she was relieved and said with a smile: "If you are unhappy, you must be wrong, mother-in-law."

The old man who has experienced ups and downs all his life feels most keen.

The old man sighed for a long time and patted her hand, "The child, at any time, do not be dominated by resentment. If you become a slave of resentment, then you will become a walking dead in this world."

Her words, like a stream, poured into my heart, slowly calming those restlessness and unwillingness.

"Yes, mother-in-law, I remember."

No wonder that before the death of her mother-in-law, Zuying can always remain kind. It is very easy to keep such a heart with such a wise and kind old man as a guide.

It's just that, after the death of Mother-in-law Zuma, did you give the lack of stimulation?

Obviously they were all worn in the 21st century. Yu Shi became a man-in-law, but she could only stay in the slums, and even her own benefactors could not take good care of her.

She resented her friends not only not helping her, but also cheating her.

If Yu Shi didn't promise her, maybe she was still the honest short-term worker, working hard to work hard for the illness of Mother-in-law Zuma.

Everything will not become like that later.

The mother-in-law Zuma didn't say a word to Su Kui, she slept deeply.

Su Kui smiled helplessly. The old man was in poor health and had limited energy. She took care of the old man and lay down to rest. Then she washed her clothes before setting off to work in the old man's house in Buddy.


"Xia Ying, are you here? Come and help me, I'm almost exhausted!"

Entering from the back door, Su Kui could not admire the flowers of the aristocratic back house, and the familiar door entered the back kitchen. In the kitchen, the mother of the kitchen, Mariam, was busy with her feet. When she saw Su Kui coming in, her eyes lit up. , Finally, come and help! "

She greeted again and again and gave Su Kui a handful of green onions.

"Wash these scallions clean and chop them into pieces. I will be useful later."

The busy kitchen and the magnificent furnishings in the lobby of Lord Buddy are like two different places.

The aroma of roast beef fills the air. A whole piece of small fat beef is roasted on the outside and tender inside. The fat from the fatty meat gives the beef a layer of oil, which looks more delicious and tender.

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