Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2583: Did you see my little brain axe (25)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"Shut up! Eat!"

Anoran glared at her. If he could speak, this sentence was what he wanted to say most.

Obviously it was a natural reaction in the morning, but looking at the girl ’s innocent eyes, instead of embarrassing his heart, he raised a bit of violence.

Su Kui thought he was innocent.

In fact, this is not the case. The simple small brain axe that she thinks is actually a dark rubbing, who has long wanted to press her under the sauce of the orcs!

The orcs have a destructive factor in their bones, and want to destroy all the simple and beautiful things in the world. At the same time, they have no resistance to this kind of things.

Anoran knew he was not a kind, but he knew better that he didn't want to hurt the girl.

So, in the morning, when he was kicked by those little feet, he chose to escape quickly.

After all the tyrannical factors in the body were suppressed, he chose to return here.

But now, is Xiaoyao tempting him?

"Okay, okay, just eat."

Su Kui plucked a bit, and the result was unexpected. In the pair of green eyes, she discovered the wild animal desire, the kind of eyes she was too familiar with.

But now in the eyes of a behemoth, she really counseled.

If he was really knocked down by his original form, I'm afraid it would be dead.

I just planned to sit down and stay away from Anoran before he regained his human form.

The next second, she was turned upside down by the powerful giant claws. She was buried in the dark red carpet, and her small face was buried deeply, surrounded by Anoran. The familiar orange blossom aroma.

"Anoran ... well, Anoran--"

When Su Kui felt that she was about to be suffocated, Anoran easily turned her over.

The original clear eyes, I wonder if it was Su Kui's illusion, turned into a deep dark green, and the eyes were sharp.

Su Kui was suddenly scared to pee.

The girl widened her round eyes in horror. The washed grapes seemed to hide his fear in his eyes. The voice of his voice was all trembling. "A, Anoran ... what are you going to do?"

What to do?

For a moment, Anoran just wanted to ruthlessly tear up his beloved little girl, make her cry, let her beg for mercy, and let her go nowhere except her side.

But when she touched her beautiful eyes that seemed to be covered with water mist, her red eyes stared at him, and Anoran could do nothing.

Eventually, he lowered his head, rubbed her tender cheeks, and flashed out quickly.


Su Kui lying on the ground, it seems that her bad taste will be suppressed, not every world can successfully reach her lover.

Just like in this life, if she just did not obey Anoran obediently, it is estimated that Anoran's indefinite personality can swallow her alive.


This time, Anoran disappeared for two days, and when he returned, he had recovered his human form.

When night fell, Su Kui had already nestled in the soft bed and slept deeply.

The next day, while washing, Su Kui strangely touched his neck in front of the mirror, there were several red spots on it, like something was bitten--

"Huh? The mouth seems to be a little swollen ..."

She pressed the red, almost bleeding lips, "sizzled", and the corner of her mouth actually broke.

At this moment, the doubts in my heart were as thorough as the dark clouds, what else did I not understand?

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