Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2589: Did you see my little brain axe (31)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

[Ding-Warning! caveat! 】

[Mission target life is dying, please make a solution as soon as possible, once the mission target dies, the mission fails! 】

What? ? ?

Andrew is dying? !

Su Kui was suddenly sleepy, lying in bed and recalling the plot introduction. It seems that there is such a paragraph in the plot.

In addition, there is still a main story about offenders from foreign enemies. Andrew leads the army to face the battle and is ambushed. Although he tries to kill the enemy cleanly, he overstretches himself, accidentally and seriously wounds, and falls off the cliff.

Under the cliff, however, is a tropical wetland with snakes, worms, ants and poisonous creatures.

It fell from such a high place again, and immortality is also crippling.

In his last life, Yu Shi's feelings with the male lead Andrew have gradually become better, but because of his high position, Andrew cannot fully trust a woman of unknown origin.

At this time, Yu Shi had deep roots for Andrew and knew that in this world, only Andrew was her dependant. If Andrew died, her ending would definitely not be much better.

After many considerations, Yu Shi finally decided to take the risk and went down to the cliff in person to find Andrew.

Because of her knowledge of modern civilization, she probably knew what was necessary to carry in the tropical rain forest.

At that time, it was really desperate to go, either find Andrew, and the two returned together, and by the way, he also gained all his trust.

If you ca n’t find Andrew, you die together, just in this orc world. After losing your refuge, you suffer.

Su Kui has only one thought at this moment, and Yu Shi must never be allowed to find Andrew again.

Otherwise, grace is as heavy as a mountain, two rescues, a man, will fall in love.

Therefore, this time, Su Kui must rush in front of Yu Shi to save Andrew.

Then, after Andrew had a good impression on her, he threw him away.

In this way, the task is completed.


Su Kui looked sideways, looking at the young man who was sleeping with himself under the moonlight, his exquisite sleeping face, even in his sleep, his brows were frowning, as if something troubled him, it had been disturbing his sleep .

If I ran out with him behind my back, I guess this jar of vinegar would be so angry that I wanted to kill her?


With a sigh, she rolled over and slowly smoothed the crease between his brows.

"Sigh? Sleep well."

Anoran was half awake and half awake, with a deep sleepiness in his tone, his long arms stretched, directly curling her body into her arms, rubbing her hair, and sleeping again.

Su Kui's eyes fell as he breathed the clear breath emanating from him.

Now I owe you, after I finish the task, I will explain to you-


Su Kui didn't think about telling Anoran, and then let Anoran take himself to Andrew.

However, from Anoran's eyes, Su Kui did not see that Anoran had a so-called brotherhood towards Andrew.

Fearing that he was dead, Anoran would not shed a tear.

And, with Anoran's possessive desire, Su Kui was completely unsure that he could retreat after saying all this.

The biggest possibility is that after Anoran knows everything, instead of letting her go, she will directly anger, clean up her first, and then build a huge bird cage to lock her up.

In his heart, Su Kui's eyes, there must be only him.

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