Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2595: Did you see my little brain axe (37)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"of course can."

Su Kui walked only half of this road, and he really had no physical strength to go on.

In the end, Andrew turned back to his original shape, carrying Su Kui on his back, and then walked out of this thin and dense forest full of towering trees.

A sick number plus a semi-disability can't go far at all.

Fortunately, they were very lucky. Soon after they went out, they met Andrew's subordinates.

After learning that their Highness was okay, a group of big men almost wept with joy, and all were gray-faced.

A signal flare was sent, and everyone was called to gather. When they knew that Andrew was fine, all the people who had collected it were withdrawn and rushed back to the camp.

For the only woman, Su Kui's identity, although curious, was not so daring to inquire about Su Kui because his lord was special to Su Kui.

Fear of angering Andrew.


The enemy was beaten back by them fiercely last time, and then Andrew returned safely, and nothing happened.

Even if the enemies were not reconciled, they would not dare to attack again.

For this Cynthia **** of war, they are still very afraid.

In the evening, a campfire party was held to celebrate Andrew's return.

The soldiers were very bold, singing and dancing, and some even returned to their original shape, which made Su Kui a little stunned in an instant, and had the illusion of going to the zoo.

Groups of demons dance like no other.

Andrew looked at the wine glass, like a bunny, sipping the sake one by one, the little girl with a blushing face, and a shallow smile on her lips.

He didn't even notice, how long he looked at her fascinatingly.

Su Kui didn't even know it. After drinking a glass of wine, he shook his dizzy head, saw Andrew, and waved with a smile.

The bright bonfire jumped behind her, and countless lights and shadows became blurred, and everything became her background, highlighting her especially prominently.

She smiled brightly and her eyes were bright, just like summer, the washed grapes were eaten into her mouth, and she felt comfortable all the way.

Exposing eight teeth, exquisite face, with a little baby fat, as if not familiar with the world.

Andrew suddenly understood why Anoran liked her so much.

Such children are too unique among their orcs.

In the bones of the orcs, they are naturally endowed with plunder, they like destruction, irritability, irritability, and indifference.

Laughing like this, Andrew rarely saw it.

"His Royal Highness, see you tomorrow ~!"

Su Kui yawned, she was really sleepy, she hadn't slept in bed for a few days, a little thought of Anoran--

I do n’t know tomorrow. If you open your eyes, can you see him?

She ran away heartlessly and went back to her tent, completely unconcerned. The man behind her stared at her for a long time until she disappeared and did not move away.


【Ding! The task is about to be completed. 】

"Got it."

Su Kui turned over and put a blanket on his head, and fell asleep.


But in the middle of the night, it was raining heavily.

There is a report down.

"His Royal Highness, down the four temples--"

Not waiting for the soldier to finish the report, a snow-white, always spotless young man, already striding in with a rain curtain, striding in.

"it's me."

Andrew smiled, inscrutable, "Anolan? What are you doing here?"

Anlan also smiled and said nothing. The two brothers stared at each other across the air. They looked like narrow and long phoenixes. They seemed to meet each other.

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