Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2614: Sister transformation plan (1)

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Tong Yu also has an older sister, Tong Xiang, who goes to school in his hometown and lives with his grandparents.

At that time, the rural old man and the old lady were very patriarchal. Especially Tong and Tong, who had two daughters in a row, could not be regenerated for promotion and work. In the eyes of the older generation, it was a big thing that broke the incense!

Tong's father is the boss in his hometown, and there are two older brothers. In the eyes of the older generation, he is absolutely arrogant. One has two sons and the other has one.

In contrast, Tong Xiang's life in the patriarchal countryside is definitely not good.

Tong and Tong's mother would call back money every month. What they wanted was to take care of their parents to take care of their elder daughters, but they never thought that the money would not be spent on their daughters.

All spent on the sons of his brother.

This also made Tong Xiang grudge against his parents, why his sister can go to school in the city, clean every day, dressed like a little princess, and herself, she can only stay in the dirty countryside, every day Have an endless job?

This is a world of rebirth, and Tong Xiang should be reborn now.

In her previous life, she complained to her parents, but she did n’t read a good book, and she did n’t look good either. In fact, she was also strange. She was obviously a parent. As for her, it was dark and rough.

The original appearance of seven points was also abruptly worn away by three points.

People's feelings are getting along. Tong Xiang was pressed by the old lady at home on one hand. She was afraid that she would go to the city with her and no one would work at home, so she didn't want her to go back.

On the other hand, it is also Tong Xiang, who has a grudge against his parents and feels that they do not love themselves, so they are not close to them.

Over time, back to the city, and Tong Yu, the three of them, like a real family.

Later, except for money, he rarely went back.

Until Tong Xiang had just turned 18 years old, the little old lady of the Tong family, carrying the parents of the Tong family, told Tong Xiang a mother-in-law.

It was later learned that it was originally for the gift of Tong Xiang. With the gift, the son of the uncle can only beg his wife.

For grandchildren, I just sold my granddaughter.

After the parents of the Tong family knew it, they did not regret it, but there was no way to do it. In this era, divorce was to be ridiculed, and it also indirectly destroyed Tong Xiang ’s life.

Rumours and whispers at the time were enough to drive a young girl to death.

However, in the family where Tong Xiang married, her husband was a violent person. Tong Xiang endured for two years, and was eventually violent during her pregnancy. She was forced to have a miscarriage.

Then began to rebirth.

After rebirth, Tong Xiang decided to study hard and resist her grandparents, but she did not learn well, and it was impossible for her to regenerate her life and become a tyrant.

She once thought that she had married in her last life, had the arms of her parents, and the old lady put oil and vinegar in her ears, and she almost broke off relations with her parents.

For this matter, Tong mother did not cry. What she didn't know was that after her death, Tong's mother couldn't afford to be sick. She regretted not taking her over to take care of her. She also knew how she was treated by her in-laws in her hometown.

For this reason, he almost divorced Tong father.

She even went back to her hometown to have a big fight with her in-laws, arguing that they had forced her daughter to die, and she would never raise Yun Yunyun for the murderer who killed her daughter.

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