Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2622: Sister transformation plan (9)

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So life is not bad, because of this, Tong mother resigned with confidence.


"Wow, mom! What kind of dishes are you cooking today? It smells so good, and the nose is going to smell!"

On Friday, Su Kui came home from school and only saw Tong Xiang.

This is the real sense of the meeting between the two sisters when they are awake.

Tong Xiang didn't wait to see her, it was the kind of appearance that he didn't even plan to do superficial work and didn't want to cover up.

"Sister, are you ill? We can go to school together! Super happy!"

Su Kui jumped up and down as if he didn't understand Tong Xiang's disgust and resentment. He walked around from the kitchen, and by the way, the two pieces of braised pork that Tong had just made, one sucked into his mouth and the other was fast plugged. Into Tong Xiang's mouth.


Tong Xiang stared at her, her mouth full of meat, the fat but not greasy braised meat melted in the mouth, the fat was smooth and tender, and the lean meat was rotten. This is a delicious food she rarely eats.

"Delicious, delicious? Sister, don't go back in the future, our family will always be together!"

It's so annoying, it's annoying to pretend to be a child!

She took out a small pink mirror from her schoolbag and handed it to Tong Xiang, "Sister, this is for you!"

"I do not want."

Tong Xiang pouted, looking at the nominal sister's snow-white skin, like a dough, with slender fingers, and then comparing himself, various imbalances poured into his heart.

The creature like sister is really annoying--

"Sister, don't you like it?"

Tong Xiang is not a real child, nor has he seen a better-looking mirror in his previous life, what is so strange, a child's gadget.

After a glance, she shook her head, "Don't, take it away!"


Su Kui was frustrated, this sister MD was really hard to please!

Tong's mother shook her head helplessly. The eldest daughter's heart was deeply ingrained, and she could not dispel her overnight.

I only hope she can forget the bad things in the new environment.

In the next few days, Su Kui's daily routine was to please Tong Xiang, but with little effect.

Tong mother is frowning every day, don't know what to do.

Buy new clothes for Tong Xiang? Yes, she accepted all the orders, but she remained indifferent.

Later, Su Kui thought about it and simply suggested: "Let my sister go to school with me! Many of the students in the school are very friendly!"

Tong mother thinks the same, always bored at home is not the same thing, simply go to school, and more contact with peers, personality will certainly change.

In the aspect of taking care of her daughter, Tong mother has always been very attentive. After consulting with Tong father that night, she asked Tong Xiang ’s opinion and decided to find a relationship. As a transfer student, let Tong Xiang and Su Kui have a class to go School reading.

In the two lifetimes, Tong Xiang has not read many books, because the teachers in his hometown are not well-qualified, and the old lady Tong has dragged her hind legs.

It's just that in both lives, he looked forward to being able to go to a good school and get Tong Xiang's concern from his parents. This life is only tired.

Besides, I do n’t want to pay attention to anything—

She knew that her mother was pleasing her, and her father was careful in front of her, but what about it? What has already happened is not something that can be offset by giving a little favor.

At the end of December in the lunar calendar, the two sisters entered the school one after the other, followed by Tong Mu.

At present, she has become a full-time housewife, the main responsibility is to take charge of the life and study of the two daughters.

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