Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2640: Sister transformation plan (27)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

There was a few seconds of silence on the dinner table, and then a burst of laughter that almost lifted the roof broke out.

Su Kui's indifferent face :? ? ?

So funny? Oh, lord-

Annoying adults! I remember you guys!

In the following, Su Kui was completely indifferent, quickly ate his meal, sipped his mouth, and sat on the sofa with his hands on his chest, and the **** anti-Japanese drama was playing on TV.

No matter how many people teased her, Su Kui insisted on not speaking.

Unexpectedly, her silent rebellion added laughter to them.

Su Kui? ? ?

If you die, can you be more embarrassed?

It turns out, yes!


Because, before the New Year, there are ten days left.

Lu Wei came to her.

Tong mother went to the door and Su Kui was left alone.

In the yard, Su Kui blinked and looked up at the slender figure in front of him, with an untouchable young boy in his eyebrows, and asked, "Crisis, are you tall again?"

She found that she seemed to look up to see him more effort.

Road hazards were not measured, so I didn't know, "But you seem to be a little bit fatter."

so cute.

Su Kui was injured, she already thought she was fat, don't think she is young now, don't you know that fat equals ugly?

No woman wants to be fat!

"Oh, say goodbye!"

Su Kui clenched his fists, rolled his eyes and started walking.

She doesn't want this kind of friend. Who wants to take it?

"Hey, what's wrong?" Road crisis was strange, "Suddenly angry, I didn't mess with you?"

Su Kui didn't want to ignore him, no emotional intelligence.

"I brought you something delicious, shall I?"

no, thanks!

"Chocolate you love, cookies, milk candy, don't like it now?"

Su Kui turned his head and found out that he took out a huge gift box from the back, which was wrapped in flowers and tied with a pink bow.

"new Year's gift?"

"Well, it is." It may be that I am used to the existence of a chattering person around me. After a holiday, the road crisis is not used to it.

Later, after inquiring about it, she lived nearby, not far from her residence.

Well, it's not far from Lu Wei's heart.

If Mr. Driver is there, he will probably nod, yes, from the east to the north of the city, it is not far, very close!

"I don't want it, you take it back."

Su Kui believes that her front teeth will fall because of road hazards feeding her with sugar all day, otherwise she will not lose her teeth.

It's so ugly, you have to leak air when you say two words.

She was cautious when she spoke, her head down, for fear of being discovered by the road hazard.

Unfortunately, she underestimated the other party's carefulness.

"Why?" Lu Wei was strange. He specially picked up all the things the other party usually likes to eat, but Su Kui looked up and blinked, he seemed to see something, "Wait ..."

"Your teeth—?"

Was he wrong? The dough **** looked like girls, and he almost forgot that she was still at the age of changing teeth.

There are people of the same age around, and the other is in the class, the youngest kind.

"Shut up! Don't say it!" Su Kui glared at him, angrily corrupted, and covered her mouth and pedaled and ran home.

Despite Lu Wei's shouting behind him, he refused to look back at him.


Lu Wei shook his head and smiled. He actually wanted to say that although he had no front teeth, he was just as cute.

No, it's cuter.

But it seemed that the other party was very concerned, he raised Junxiu's brow, and the teenager's face was a little difficult.

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