Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2643: Sister transformation plan (30)

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His shy hands and feet didn't know where to put it.

Can only stretch a small face, stiff like a wood. Finally, Lu Wei didn't know how he was going. The girl behind was still smiling and waving goodbye to him.

"Road crisis, see you next year! In addition, Happy New Year!"


Then everything will be the same as before, and the days will be beautiful.

In the end, Su Kui failed to lose a pound of meat, but instead gained a few pounds. She looked at the mirror every day and she could sigh 180 times with her little round face.

On New Year's Eve, this is the first time for them to celebrate New Year here. Every time before the New Year, they have to go back to their hometown.

I didn't think there was anything before, but now I just feel like it's so **** cool!

There was no chirping accusations in my ears, and there was no endless work, no need to listen to those seven elder aunts and eight eldest wives, all kinds of accusations of sang huai, saying that Tong mother is a woman who would not have a son, useless.

In short, all kinds of comfort.

After the meal, the couple smiled at each other, sitting side by side on the sofa, and began to watch the Spring Festival Gala.

A lively and festive voice came intermittently from the living room. Su Kui sat in the quilt, listening to the crackling firecrackers outside the window, holding a pillow in his hand, to see Tong Xiang who was still studying hard.

Shaking his head in disapproval, "Sister, this year is a big New Year, you can't relax? People, it is impossible to eat a big fat at one bit, are you right?"

Tong Xianghehe, "No, but you can ~"

Su Kui: ...

"I don't have a sister like you, bye!"

Turning over and lying down, Su Kui squeezed his meaty belly, the grown-up seemed to sigh.

Seems like it's getting fatter?

Tong Xiang smiled quietly, put down his pencil, and moved his stiff neck.

During this period of tutoring, some questions and algorithms that were not understood gradually became clear, and she realized that she had entered a misunderstanding.

The children who attend the cram school are all of such a bad foundation. Of course, those who want to be a child and a woman are expected to be one step ahead of others. They hope that their children will be one step ahead.

Nowadays, parents already know the importance of learning. As long as there are conditions at home, they must do everything possible to send their children to study.

The so-called knowledge changes destiny is not just talking.


Early the next morning, Su Kui deliberately started early.

She was tied with two little pulls, wearing a red cotton jacket, and a white fur collar set on the edge, lined with her small face carved with jade, just like the doll in the New Year painting.

"Mom and Dad! Congratulations on making a fortune, red envelopes!"

The villain turned into the kitchen. The husband and wife were busy working in the kitchen. Su Kui jumped in, holding a fist with a decent shape and saying something to please. Then he spread his palms and asked for a red envelope.

Tong Xiang, who was helping to place the tableware, rolled his eyes. "The face is really thick."

Su Kui satisfactorily stuffed the red envelopes from Tong and Tong's pockets into her pocket, and she smiled and said, "You can only have red envelopes if you are thick-skinned. If you say two nice words, you won't lose a piece of meat. You should learn more from me. "

Tong Xiang is bad because he is a man. He has a restrained personality and will not please his elders.

Although it's good to be quiet, some elders eat this one.

All words are held in my heart, who knows what you are thinking.

This is unintentional, the listener has a heart.

Tong Xiang's movement of tableware chopsticks, his eyes slightly drooping, the longer he spends time with this sister, the more she feels that she is flattering, which is not unreasonable.

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