Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2657: How to teach scumbag to be a man (6)

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The woman in the mirror is very beautiful. This is beyond doubt. When I saw Xue Shuang's first glance, Su Kui's mind jumped out of the word.

The facial features are exquisite, the skin is white, and the only flaw may be the dull skin and melanin caused by improper rest.

However, the arrival of Su Kui, let the system automatically adjust her body state, so as to achieve the degree of Su Kui's soul.

So now Xue Shuang can be called a complete, truly perfect beauty.

But it was such a blessed appearance that did not allow Xue Shuang to be in flames in the entertainment circle, even the beloved man could not keep it.

Su Kui would like to know that even a beauty like Xue Shuang can't get into his eyes. How beautiful must the white moonlight in Qiu Yi's mind be to make Qiu Yi's love so far!

In Su Kui's eyes, the appearance of the original body is in line with the old saying, "God appreciates dinner," it can be said that if it is not Qiu Yi who is also dragging her hind legs, Xue Shuang has already caught fire.

You have a good face and talent, and you have a very good personality.

If Su Kui was a man, she would like such a woman. It is a pity that such a character is too easy to be ignored by people who do not fight for it.

Only by engaging in something can one make a deep impression on people's hearts.

"Relax, your wishes, I will help you complete, from now on, your mother, my mother, and my responsibility-"

Her eyes were scorching, and there was a faint flash of light, and Zhu's lips were raised gently, and the eyebrows were an arrogance that Xue Shuang did not have.


Su Kui first went to the hospital to visit Xue Shuang's mother. She had a car accident in her early years and became a vegetative. She has been asleep for three full years and has not awakened.

The reason why Xue Shuang was so determined about Qiu was not without these factors.

After all, Xue Shuang's mother's medical expenses are all paid in autumn. Xue Shuang was touched by Yu Qiu's contribution to her, and even more so, he gave up on him. Let Qiu Yi sing all the songs he wrote.

Even he asked to sign his name without complaint.

It was really silly, Xue Shuang had just been out of college and was with Qiu Yi, probably not understanding the market of entertainment circles.

If she knew that the copyright of one of her songs was sold, it would be enough for her mother's medical expenses for a whole year. I don't know what she would think?

And, what if she sang by herself?

If these opportunities are not given to Qiu Yi, but by her own grasp, then the person who is now in flames is her, and Qiu Yi is there.

The hypocrite--


Su Kui was idle at home for two days. During these two days, apart from contacting her friend Qi Qi several times, no one came to her.

Nominally, she is Qiu Yi's agent assistant, but in fact it is just an optional existence.

She can't do anything. Other matters related to work are handled by others.

In front of Qiu Yi, Xue Shuang always felt inferior, because his mother's medical expenses were paid by him. Xue Shuang was embarrassed to reach out and ask him for a salary.

So after thinking about it, she called Qi Qi and told her that she had agreed to find a job before.


On the third day, the nominal boyfriend finally sent her a text message.

Qiuqiu: [Xiaoshuang, are you there? These days are too busy to contact you, how are you? Come and get together, I will wait for you in the old place! Love your autumn. 】

Seeing the last sentence, Su Kui's goose bumps fell off the ground. Is there really such a disgusting person in the world?

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