Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2665: How to teach scumbag to be a man (14)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Su Kuiman avoided it carelessly, and spotted his irregular hands with white fingers at the scene, lazily said: "Sir, you can take a group photo, let your hands be regular, thank you!"

The man's face suddenly turned red, and he didn't know whether it was angry or annoying, or maybe both.

There was a laugh around him, looking at the man, with a bad taste, looking at him up and down as if he were a rogue taking advantage of the tofu of other models.

"Cao! What are you, come here not just to touch the man, you are tall, don't come with a skill!"

The man could not bear the eyes of those who watched the crowd while holding the phone. He didn't take the photo anymore. He pointed at Su Kui's nose and scolded.

Rejected by the public and mocked by so many people, he obviously couldn't erase that face.

The smile on Su Kui's face was immediately put away. She pointed to the sign placed all over the convention and exhibition center and said: "Sir, it is necessary to remind you that this is the auto show center, it is the place to display the car, not the bath center. , Nightclubs and the like. Me, I do n’t sell them. If you want to relieve the pressure, you should go to the place I just said. "

She did n’t look at the man ’s face or the reactions of the people around her. She continued to say lightly: “Everyone present is a character with a head and a face. Should n’t she make inappropriate actions in such a place? Especially, it ’s still daytime, What do you say? "

Laugh around again.

"Hahahaha! Well **** right, I was speechless."

"Indeed, it's disgusting to take a photo and wipe the oil."

"This kind of culture should have been rectified long ago!"

"Do n’t be afraid, we support you!"

Su Kui's meaning is already very clear. If you change people, you may be embarrassed to stay. If you are bright and fair, so many eyes are staring, and Su Kui is not afraid of him playing rogue.

Fang Caiqiqi has already given her science here. It is an exhibition run by Feng Shi Investment. She has just seen a large group of bodyguards at the door. The incident has spread.

"Md, stinky // **** // son, shameless face, take a picture for what? Lao Tzu wants you to sleep with him today!"

"You say it again?" Su Kuito peached her eyes narrowly, her eyes narrow and narrow, staring closely at the man with a sneer.

The man was startled by her appearance. After the reaction, he saw that there were so many people watching behind him, and he couldn't lose that face. I had to bite my scalp and point to Su Kui's nose, spitting and scolding: "I said I want you to sleep with me today, kneel and beg me, what's wrong?"

"Not much."

He was fierce, but Su Kui was always calm, and even had a three-point smile on her face. She turned to look at the group of people holding the phone and asked with a smile, "Well, did you record the video?"

Everyone didn't know what he wanted to do, and was a little embarrassed for a while.

It was a boy who looked like a college student blushing and whispered: "Recorded."

"Oh, then I'm relieved." Su Kui shrugged and smiled at him.

"Dirty woman, what kind of tricks are you doing?" The man stared, and big palms would greet her face.

Su Kui sneered, his heels stomped on his feet, crushed heavily, and slapped at the same time, "What kind of tricks? Fuck you! Silly.//It's foolish to be ugly, and I want to learn how to wipe oil, before coming. Did n’t you look in the mirror to see how ugly you are? Looking for a young lady to go to the bathing center. Although I am a car model, I do n’t steal, grab, or sell myself. I dare to move, be careful of your third leg! "

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