Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2682: How to teach scumbag to be a man (31)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"Qiu Yi, sometimes I think maybe what you said in the interview is true. Are you waiting for that person in your heart?"

"I do not have!!"

This sentence did not know which string Qiu Yi poked, he stood up suddenly, shouted at Su Kui loudly.

The non-stop dodge eyes, silently telling everything.

Su Kui picked up the pillow and smashed it over, "Qiu Yi, get out of my house !!"


Qiu Yi was driven out, and the tasks Fu Mingxin handed to him were not completed. He even faced the end of breaking up with Xue Shuang.

The warm sunlight fell on him, but he felt the chill that could not stop the whole body up and down, and the panic in his heart was terrible.

He didn't know what happened to him just now. He seemed to want to prove that he was not thinking about the woman. Xue Shuang was wrong.

Going downstairs, he saw a low-key black luxury car parked downstairs, but he didn't think about it. He didn't have a headache. With his head down, he hurriedly stepped into the nanny car and urged the driver to leave quickly.

Therefore, the people in the car didn't see it. They just passed the car and passed a tall, tall man.


"How is it? Did you get the song?" Fu Ming waited anxiously in the car, and the winning ticket was holding. It can be seen that Qiu also returned empty-handed. She was a little uncertain in her heart.


"What the **** is going on, are you talking! Are you trying to kill me?"

Qiu, who is not just a star, is under pressure. As an agent, she is no less stressed than Qiu. Agents in the circle also pay attention to word of mouth.

In this line, everyone wants to be the best, bringing out a few entertainers, known as the gold brokers in the entertainment industry.

And now she is still far away from the gold medal broker. If Qiu also has problems in her hand, the threshold for the gold medal broker will be even further in the future.

"Qiu Yi! Do you say nothing ?! Without calling me, I called Xue Shuang personally and asked her what she wanted! Isn't it enough to toss you? She had never been like this before!"

Qiu Yi smiled, yes, she was not like this before, and she didn't know when it became.

"Sister Fu, Xue Shuang probably wants to break up with me. For the album, please come to other people and invite songs ..."

He leaned close to the seat tiredly, and the whole person felt feeble.

At first, he was afraid of the collapse of talented people. Later, he tasted the sweetness. Gradually, it seemed that even he himself believed that he was a talent.


Fake talents!

"What ?! Now is the time, how to invite songs ?! Moreover, the album has already been promoted. Everyone knows that your new album is still created by you. Now you are inviting songs and waiting to be beaten? ! "

"Autumn Qiu, you do n’t know exactly how many people in this circle want to pull you down and step you into the mud. It ’s better that you never have to turn over !!" Fu Mingxin hates iron and steel An angry bite of silver teeth almost broke.

"Then what can I do ?! I can't hold the knife on her neck and force her to write songs for me?"

Qiu Yi's eyes were red, just like the evil spirits climbing up from hell. Suddenly, he was crazy, grabbing his hair fiercely, and couldn't help but growl in a low voice.

Fu Mingxin was taken aback by him, and he quickly recovered and covered his mouth, "whisper!"

Do you want everyone to know what you really look like?

Qiu Yi also fell silent, and the car fell into a silence.

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