Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2687: How to teach scumbag to be a man (36)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

There was only a wall lamp in the room. The dim light shone on the beautiful flesh, as if coated with honey.

The right muscle lines, thin waist, eight abdominal muscles, and **** mermaid line all the way into the bath towel.

There are still undried water drops on the body, so the temptation of the male color makes people want to get into the screen and **** the water drops out.

"Of course satisfied," Su Kui plucked her broken hair, and the peach blossom eyes were foggy under the light. An invisible temptation spread between her eyes and lips.

Feng Jin: ...

This is the end of sultry?

Su Kui did not plan to let him go, "So, are you satisfied with what you see?"

Responding to Su Kui, Feng Jin gritted his teeth and almost ate cannibalistic expressions, "You little villain is intentional!"

Knowing that he had something to go abroad, it would be impossible to go back to stay abroad for a few days, but she just moved him uncomfortably.

Somewhere, already quietly salute a woman.

"Yes, I did it on purpose."

There is no way to take her bad, Feng Jin helpless, fixed the phone on the table, began to change clothes.

Fang Cai was still a man who seduced a beautiful man, and instantly became a beast of a suit and leather clothes.

He twitched his short hair twice, and after a while chatting, his hair was already half dry, just wait and blow again.

Su Kui witnessed a feast of men's color, all eyes were proud and ridiculous.

Such a good man is hers!

The two chatted for a few more words. Feng Jin suddenly remembered Moson nagging in his ear and pondered for a moment, then softly said to Su Kui: "There is something sad, you do n’t need to be bored, since I am together, I am your umbrella, as for those online ... "

"Hey," Su Kui interrupted him, annoyingly moaning: "You are too vulnerable to what I think? But just some irrelevant comments, cell phone off, world peace, wait for those people When crawling over the network cable to chop me with a kitchen knife, exercise your power again, Mr. Knight! "


Feng Jin couldn't help smiling, staying with her as if she had always been in a good mood.

No matter from which aspect, you can achieve a perfect fit, so that both people can reach satisfaction from the soul to the flesh.

"Okay, wait for me to go back and give you a surprise, be good."

His fingertips were close to the screen, seeming to rub Su Kui's face, and then said this.


Su Kui laughed, "Don't be scared!"

"No, you will know by then," Feng Jin shook his head, this woman always makes people unexpected.

Before approaching the video, Feng Jin suddenly called Su Kui seriously, and the sharp phoenix stared at her eyes, Shen Sheng ordered: "It is not allowed to have close contact with Qiu, otherwise-"

"Follow the order! Mr. Cavaliers, you can step back." Su Kui learned a salute like no other, and smiled and hurried Feng Jin to work.

"You ..."

Helpless sigh, there is really no way to take her.

Feng Jin hung up the video and had a dream last night. In the dream, his second generation was held in the palm of this woman's palm and could not turn over.

The most amazing thing is that he actually woke up with a smile.

It now appears that dreams sometimes contrast with reality.


These days after leaving Fengjin, in Su Kui's small broken house, people will present various gifts every day, and there has been no interruption.

They range from delicate and delicious snacks to toy dolls.

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