Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Su Kui knew in his heart who he was, but he still had to do it on the surface.

"Princess? Do you know, which is Her Royal Highness?"

"If I go back to the girl, it is Princess Yingqi, the only sister-in-law of the emperor!"

Judging by his intractable expression, he knew that the guards could not stop it for a long time, and fearing that it would be soon, Ying Qi would break in by himself.

The wind of dawn dawned across his face at once, Su Kui narrowed the peach blossomed eyes, and smiled.

"Let her come in and just say I asked."

She, too, hasn't seen this childhood sister in a long time.


Outside the courtyard, Ying Qi's tossing panting, her cheeks flushed, her eyes widened, holding a whip to a few guards who stopped her, and snorted coldly, "Well, you dare to stop me ! When Brother Chongmo returns, I will make you look good! "

Once upon a time, she suffered such grievances? Even the emperor's brother's concubine saw her and had to be respectful.

"Princess, it was really commanded by the master of the country, the servants did not dare to obey!"

A group of guards grieved a face and wished to beg for mercy.

This princess, but the emperor's only sister and sister, was very favored. Even in arrogance and arrogance, the emperor let her go.

There are so many ghost ideas, she is staring at it, just waiting to be tossed half a life!

"Then let me in!"

"Princess, this ..." It really didn't work out yet, and from the inside came a short-handed waiter.

Seeing Yingqi, he clenched his fists and said to Yingqi: "Princess, please come in to the girl."

"Please me?"

Ying Qi narrowed her eyes wide and tossed it down a bit, causing her clothes to be messy and messy, and she intended to give up. Although she is the emperor's favorite sister, it is true, but in the face of heavy ink, she still dare not wanton.

If she is known by the difference, she may be punished for disturbing the purity of Chongmo.

"Okay, that princess will go to meet this girl!"

On the word "chao", she bit the tone hard.

Then he waved away the blocking attendant and went toward the small pavilion with pride.

After a few tens of meters away, you can hear the melodious piano sounds that are far and near, such as the bursts of water, very pleasant.

Very familiar.

It turned out to be a neon song——

Ying Qi pursed her lips and hated her teeth, and this coquette really did what she wanted. Knowing that these people are in their hearts, they are obsessed with that person, so before seduce heavy ink, they really worked hard!

She jumped past the leading servant, rushed in quickly, and lifted the curtain.

"I'll take a look, how is it that you woman has grown Zhang and it's a disaster to the country and the people-" The words were not all spit out, as if they were suddenly choked by the throat, all stuck in the throat, could not hold up, said Not coming out.

"you you……"

Ying Qi's eyes were round, and it took him a long time to find his voice.

Pointing at Su Kui's finger, trembling constantly.

Isn't this face the face that impressed her most when she was a child in her dream?

"Sister Chao ..."

Before the sound came out, his eyes were red.

The sound of the piano stopped abruptly, Su Kui sighed and raised his eyes, like the eyes covered with a layer of water, fixedly staring at the girl.

"Long time no see, Qi'er."

"Really, really you ?!"

The little girl in red no longer loses her arrogance, and she is tense with one hand.

Nothing wrong, it must be--

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