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Ze Feng's mouth twitched at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Wei quiet, right? If you don't have money, I can lend it to you first. If you can't pay it back, I don't need you to pay it back. But your current thinking is wrong."

"What's wrong? You can call me quietly, quietly."

Zefeng: ...

He had to hold back how much energy he didn't need to help his forehead, so he could explain to her what it means for a beautiful, young and beautiful girl to go home with a single man.

"Wait, you listen to me explain ..."

"Sir, ma'am, your ward has expired, are you going to be discharged? Please go through the discharge procedures, because the ward is in short supply, we will clean and disinfect immediately, and there will be another patient living in."

The nurse came over at this time, holding the medical record book in his hand, knocked on the open door, and looked suspiciously on the faces of the two.

Zefeng swears that he has never been so embarrassed in his life.

The nurse quietly ousted the guest order, and he was embarrassed to continue anyway. Moreover, the hospital was really not a good place.

"Wei quiet, let's go out and talk."

Su Kui couldn't stand, "Then you promise me first!"

"We have to discuss this matter, okay? Are you good—"

To tell the truth, when Su Kui heard the words "you are good", she felt awkward in her heart.

But in the end it was reason that had the upper hand. She shook her head persistently, covered her mouth and kept her mouth open, leaving two big eyes, and looked at him gurglingly.

The nurse was helpless. "Two, the ward is not a place for flirting, or how about you going to the corridor to discuss? Let's clean it up first."

Although the other man ’s handsome man is pretty, the nurse is still very calm.

In the end, Ze Feng was very sullen and took the person out of the hospital.

Underground Parking Lot.

Zefeng had already been seated in the car, and he was not crazy, so he would take a strange girl home. Especially looking at her age, definitely not more than twenty years old. He is almost thirty years old and can be regarded as an uncle's character. It is illegal to kidnap minors!

Su Kui Pa pulled his car window and was still selling himself pitifully, "Mr. Ze, I am very useful, and I don't think you are short of money, do you lack a nanny? My housework is done well, cleaning I will do laundry and brush dishes! "

Zefeng took out his wallet, withdrew his own documents and cards, and then put the entire wallet into Su Kui's hands.

"The money is for you. Take it to your accommodation. Don't worry your parents. If you are angry, go back. The outside is not as simple as you think."

Therefore, Ze Feng still believes that most of the tragic life Su Ku told him was made up blindly.

The main reason is to quarrel with the family. He sees such children more often in school. Teachers in the same office often encounter parents who find the school and say that the child has run away from home.

In the end, the troublemaker turned the horse upside down. Nothing happened. In the event of an accident, the heart of the parents was the most injured.

If it wasn't for her to see that she was 18 years old, Zefeng would probably carry her directly to the police station, and then ask her parents to pick it up.

"I don't want money!" Su Kui was about to cry. She absolutely would never go back to that house again. "I have no place to go. You said that a girl is very dangerous outside. Mr. Ze is just a glance. Good man, can you take me in? I will do a lot of things ... "

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