Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"Your home is here."

"Home?" She repeated a puzzled sentence, and suddenly laughed. At this moment, Ze Feng did not know whether she laughed a bit more ironically or bitterly. Anyway, this smile does not contain expectations and joy.

"Oh, good." She nodded absently, saying yes.

Then push the door and get off, especially calm.

Ze Feng was afraid of her, and followed her in quickly, with a trace of helplessness in her lips.

Zefeng, Zefeng, you have today!

When I went in, I was catching up with breakfast, and the family was happy to talk and laugh around the dining table. The aunt nanny saw Su Kui coming in, "Ouch", and greeted us with a busy interest.

"Quietly, where have you been these two days? It's so messy outside, how dangerous is it for you to be a girl!"

"Red sister-in-law ..." Su Kui lowered her head and whispered, trying to cry.

I didn't expect to care about her at the end, it was a nanny who had no blood relationship, and her father, from the moment she entered the door, did not say a word.

"Ah, crying? Don't cry quietly, have you eaten yet? What red sister-in-law would you like to eat and help you make it, OK?"

Over the past year, Hongsao has looked at the things of the Wei family. Even if Wei quietly made mistakes, she has tried to make up for it. Moreover, what happened to her at that time? She didn't think the car broke down.

Ze Feng stood silently behind Su Kui. He was relieved when he saw Hongsao's anxiety. He didn't expect that what happened next would make him amazed.


The man sitting on the main table at the table wears glasses and has a refined atmosphere. When he does not speak, he is like a university professor. But as soon as he opened his mouth, all his temperament disappeared instantly.

"Wei quiet, don't you have the ability? Dare to play the code of running away from home, since you are gone, don't come back if you have the ability!"

I thought she had a lot of guts. Isn't she still embarrassed? Wei father sneered, his face was full of disdain, he did not look at Su Kui in his eyes.

"It's not that I want to come back! If I can, I'd rather not come back in my life!"

"Oh, okay, how dare you talk, what are you doing now?"

"Her husband!" Shen Yu glared at him at this time, pressed down on his pride, pushed him, and persuaded: "Her husband, since you came back quietly, don't be angry. Quietly, come and eat."

"Shut up! No one is allowed to take care of her, I will see if she has any skills, even if you make it out!"

Wei Lian watched coldly from the beginning and did not speak, only when he saw Ze Feng, his eyes moved slightly.

Then, she shuffled his father, and whispered: "Dad, look."

She signaled that there was another person here. Wei Hong noticed Ze Feng who had been standing behind Su Kui. He narrowed his eyes and his voice softened. "Are you?"

Ze Feng now believes in Su Kui's words to him. No one here really welcomes her to come back, except this nanny.

"It doesn't matter who I am, but sir, it's not the case to educate the children. Why can't you treat the two daughters the same?" Ze Feng's lips and lips smiled and looked at Wei Hong sharply.

Was glanced at by this look, Wei Hong was silent for a moment, and suddenly smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes, "Then why don't you ask, what did the people around you do?"

Without waiting for Ze Feng to ask, he said: "She even wants to die, why bother others? See her sister? Did her legs just because of her! She is a sinner, the source of all misfortune ! "

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