Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"So fast? Won't you miss that person?"

Su Kui was shocked to see him come out so soon, and then asked.

Compared with that, Zefeng's mood was much better, and he had a gentle smile on his face, "When I saw it, my doubts were also solved, let's go."

"Huh? But ... you asked, is it really a story about the past and present?"

Su Kui was incredulous, surprised.


"Really? What did the goddess say? Really exist in the past and present?"

"I don't know," Ze Feng had walked out of the door. Hearing this sentence, he smiled and shook his head. "She only told me that the answer is in her heart."


Su Kui dumbfounded, what is the answer!

She quickly catches up with Zefeng, silently, "Is this the answer? So in your heart, what is the answer?"

Because she was chasing too quickly, she almost had to hit Zefeng again. It happened that Zefeng turned around at this time, very fast, and put a finger on Su Kui's head, gray and black eyes, with a smile on her face, "Buddha said: Unspeakable!"

After all, she gently flicked her head and dropped the sentence "walk well," and left with a smile.

"Hey, Zefeng! What a **** answer!"

"No swearing."

"Then you still panic !!"

"I am an adult, and the world of adults is very dirty."

Ze Feng put his hands in his hands, and Youzai walked ahead. Su Kui caught up with him breathlessly, annoyed, "I'm an adult too! I'm an adult, OK!"

"Oh, in my eyes, you are just a baby boy!"

Wow, this is too much!

Su Kui also wanted to develop other feelings with him, but now, she told her that he only treats her as a child?

The sly eyes rolled quickly, counting them.

Suddenly she stopped and shouted Zefeng's name loudly.

"Hey! Zefeng!"

Hearing this sentence, the man in front turned around as Su Ku expected, and raised her eyebrows to look at her, "Huh?"

There were crowds of people around. There was a free folk song in the wind. The man's black hair was broken because the wind was a little messy. His gray and black eyes and eyelashes were particularly gentle.

Su Kui's heart seemed to stagnate for a moment. Soon, she raised a big smile and said, "Hey, Uncle, I have something to tell you! Don't move!"

In fact, at this time, Ze Feng already had a weird feeling, but he had never experienced that kind of scene, so he actually stood still and did not move.

When the soft lips were imprinted on his cheeks, his breath seemed to be unheard of, his heart was like a drum, a boom, a boom, a boom—

The sky collapsed, his eyes lost.

"Haha, uncle, will the kids do this to you ~! Are you stupid? Hello, wake up!"

With a touch away, Su Kui looked at the smile on his face solidified with satisfaction, and looked extremely silly.

Shaking his hand, this time she strode away for her slick hand.

There were no shortage of girls and boys who saw this scene, and the girls covered their mouths and almost screamed.

"Ah, this man is so handsome and handsome !!"

"Girls are not bad, okay?"

"Bang bang bang, really good-looking people, only with good-looking people, fairy tales are deceptive."

"You just understand, good, good-looking men are not reliable."

"The face value is enough for me to ignore everything!"

Ze Feng, who had recovered, listened to the undisguised comments of the girls around her, and then twitched her mouth and followed Su Kui with a big step.

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