Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Not to mention Wei Lian is not reconciled, of course, Shen Yu is not reconciled!

"Mom, I'm so tired. I'm so tired with Ji Yang and Dad ..." Wei Lian raised his head, revealing his fragile appearance, and tears burst into his eyes in an instant.

"It wo n’t be too long. My mother promises that the things of the Wei family will be yours. She Wei quietly, a girl who knows nothing, even if she gives her a huge industry, she can hold it? There are more mothers. Let her spit it out! "

These words came out of his mouth, and Shen Yu's eyes showed cruelty.


This time Su Kui has too few resources. Since he met his lover early, Ze Feng naturally promised to help Su Kui to do this.

Other than that, there seems to be nothing else.

So she ate, drank and drank every day, then drew comics, and occasionally flirted with Zefeng. Although the consequences were usually out of grain, the feeling of flirting with Zefeng was so beautiful that Su Kui couldn't stop it.

This also led to Su Kui eating a whole bitter gourd meal once a week, and later, there were meals, but fortunately, Ze Feng was not so desperate that she had to eat it.

After drawing for so long, Su Kui's caricature is almost coming to an end. She is drawing a short story. The story has reached Qingyue and returned to Qingqiu. She voluntarily removed the fairy bones and became a mortal, just to get along with non-dust. Shou.

The carved wooden door was pushed away from the outside, and a cold wind wrapped the snowflakes, flying straight into the house. The red walls and green tiles, the eaves of the eaves, and the little red plums covered by the snow in the yard constitute a beautiful scene.

In the next picture, the more beautiful scene is the man sitting at the desk, with ink hair and waist, slightly floating due to the sudden wind, and the eyebrows are as thick as the corners of the eyes. , It can be blown away like those fine snow, and then disappear.

There is a blank part behind, only the empty and open door, and the cold wind whistling.


The picturesque man was finally willing to look up at who was so abrupt, and disturbed his calm without his consent. Suddenly he looked up, and his eyes were still.

Those dark eyes, like thousands of years of ice, melted into spring water at a speed visible to the naked eye when gazing at the graceful figure that day and night thought.

"Blue, Moon--"

With such a sound, it seemed as if he and his audience heard him murmur full of endless thoughts and grievances.

Thousands of words, finally converging to the mouth, leaving only such a sentence.

"Just come back."

The ink is like satin, the eyelashes are sparse, the pale and delicate face and the look of the Qiao Xiaoqian smile in the memory, Gu Pan Shenfei's appearance overlap, although looking at the reduction, anyhow, it is back intact.

"Qingyue, you can come back, I'm so happy--"

The woman smiled, the snow-white shell teeth looming, "I can see you, and so do I."


After uploading the last chapter, Su Kui was relieved.

After carefully reading the last chapter, she couldn't help bending her eyes, smiling and touching it on the computer screen, the perfect and clear face portrayed under her brush.

"Now, although I don't know who you are, why would you walk with me for so long, but I will always remember you."

In the master bedroom just across the wall, another man with the same soul is still unaware of the latest updated chapter.

The pictures of Qingyue separated from non-dust in front, and Qingyue's pictures of what mortals have paid for are all vividly remembered.

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