Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"Ah?" Su Kui suddenly recovered, squeezed the phone tightly, and grinned embarrassedly. "No, nothing."

"Huh? Really nothing?" The girl raised her eyebrows and smiled particularly narrowly. "Are you talking to your boyfriend? Look at the sweet face of your smile, the ghost believes nothing!"

Talking, she suddenly flashed a flash of light in her head, a thought flashed, "Shouldn't it be-Professor Ze ??"

Su Kui! ! !

She shook her hand while holding her phone and almost didn't squeeze. She shook her head seriously. "How, how! It's really not chatting with her boyfriend."

"But your expression tells me it's not like ~"

"Well, it's a crush!"

Su Kui can only explain this way, and the girl seemed to make sense after hearing it.

Su Kui is not a lie, after all, Ze Feng is not her boyfriend for the time being.

"Okay, I will continue to paint ~"

She took up the paintbrush and planned to finish the painting in one go so that she could be lazy tomorrow.

Others saw no gossip, and were busy with their own affairs. Only the girls who spoke did not give up. Their eyes looked left and right. They accidentally saw the brush on Su Kui ’s hand. Wait!!"

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Su Kui's face was dumbfounded, and the girl wanted to do something again. Although she admitted that the person was very enthusiastic, it seemed that the enthusiasm was overdone, and she felt a little incapable.

"Aren't your brushes from the **** brand? Wait a minute ... there are sketchpads. These are limited editions of the **** brand. The brush's hair uses very precious animal hair. Is this ... wouldn't it be? "


Su Kui really didn't understand what she wanted to say, "You explain it, I didn't understand it."

The girl patted her face and watched it again. This time she was absolutely sure: "You are a set of painting tools, Professor Ze! It's the only one in the whole school. We saw him used it before, um ..." It seemed that she was looking for something. The students around her, including Su Kui, watched her movements. After a while, she saw her eyes light up and shouted, "I found it !!"

"Look!" She pointed to the signature on the back of the painting tool and the paintbrush, and said, "This is Professor Ze's English name. I had seen it secretly before class, but I thought it was a brand thing. , This set of painting tools was originally Professor Ze's! "


This time, there was a sudden uproar around!

"Professor Ze's stuff? Why is it in Wei Jing?"

"Wei Qian, what is your relationship with Professor Ze?"

"Should it really be ... couple?"

"My God, Professor Ze is so good to you! This brand of painting tools is definitely a tool that art students dream of!"

The eyes cast on Su Kui were envious and jealous. Among them, there were a few disdainful eyes.

Su Kui is very innocent, she seems to have done nothing.

Is it because of the name of Zefeng that she was so much hatred?

Think about it-TM stimulation!

Then Su Kui began to be overwhelmed by interrogative sentences. Many classmates wanted to get the first news from her mouth.

Su Kui was quarreled with a headache, and the ghost knew that the painting tools Ze Feng had prepared for her were actually his own.

No way, she had to pack things in a hurry and plan to paint again tomorrow.

What Zefeng did for her was a day study. Because of the presence of Zefeng, she had a little more speciality.

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