Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Zefeng glanced at Su Kui and motioned to her to answer. Presumably, the lover would be happy to show each other the sweetness between them.

"Hmm ..." Su Kui nodded her pink lips in distress and smiled: "It was about a year ago? The reason for being together ~ If I said it was love at first sight, do you believe it?"

"Wow!" The host showed a surprised expression, "Really ?! Then, is Professor Ze too?"

Facing the threatening eyes of the girl, Ze Feng touched his nose and nodded his head, "Of course."

Wife is too big, what his wife said is right, if not, he must be wrong!

This article comes from the Zejia family motto——

"God, it is rumored that Teacher Ze is the famous high mountain flower in the school. I don't know how we quietly collected this high mountain flower?" The host narrowed his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes.

"This is a better explanation!" Su Kui spread his hands, "Of course, it is the first step! I saw him at first glance, and stalked and chased him to his house!"

Speaking of which, Ze Feng heard her tone and was quite proud and proud of what she had done.

As everyone knows, how much headache he had at the beginning, he wished to throw her to the Public Security Bureau.

But now he is more fortunate. If he rejected her, how could he still live happily now?

With Su Kui's answer, the host exclaimed from time to time, and even the audience under the stage, covering her mouth, surprised she was so bold.

However, there are envied and admired men who meet their favorite men and take the initiative to attack. In case that person is right, who can spend a lifetime together?

At least, Wei Qian's decision was correct.


Unconsciously, many female criminals resting in the hall gathered their eyes on the TV screen. I do n’t know who whispered and murmured, "This woman is really lucky--"

Yeah, who does n’t envy such a life?

A word awakened the dreamer, Wei Lian laughed, shook her head, and went to do her own work. She no longer wanted to watch it anymore. These lives have long lost her relationship with her.

It's just not reconciled in my heart, why did Wei quietly do whatever he wanted and could meet men who could protect her for life? And she has to work hard to get what she wants?

In the end, she boiled everything down to life.


When the interview came out, it caused a wave of extensive discussion.

The combination of a well-known contemporary painter and a cartoonist has been dubbed a match made by fans. As for Su Kui's fans, he kindly refers to Ze Feng as: our family Ze teacher.

As for Wei Mi ’s grievances, he was also dug out a year later. According to the sources, he was a former college classmate of Wei Qian. Because he could n’t watch, he came forward to expose Shen Yuwei ’s mother and daughter. Ugly face.

Su Kui is very happy now, but if he can still be innocent before leaving, it would be better.

Now that she has appeared, then at the end of [the two and three things in daily life quietly and Yang Yang], the small fragments she drew have an explanation.

Netizens have complained that in reality, there are people who are constantly calculating for inheritance rights.

In the end, it can only be said that life is like a play, and play is like a life.

In this world, there is no need for Su Kui to shoot, and someone has made everything for her.

When everything was over, the system's assessment followed.

[Ding-Congratulations to the host for completing the task. 】

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