Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!



Shen Do not forget to be surprised, his feet slipped, his body leaned, and he fell off the escalator.

The fall caused him to suffer.


Su Kui shook his head helplessly, quickly reached out to catch the Shen Shen who had fallen down, and easily took the person in his arms, gently and steadily landed.

"You, how are you--"

Shen Wuwang's throat knot rolled up and down, and his cheeks became flushed. After landing, he no matter whether he stood firm, he quickly reached out and pushed her away.

"When did you come down, I ... Anyway, thank you girl!"

He bent down and clenched his fists, giving a deep salute.

Su Kui looked impatient, grabbed him, and pressed him to the corner.

"I said that you Taoist, looking pretty, how come you are so pedantic? From today's meeting, how many sorry words did you say, and how many thanks did you say, have you ever pinched?"


"Hush--" Su Kui raised his eyebrows, his peachy eyes were burning, his fingers were slender and slender, and he pressed them on his lips. "I haven't asked you yet, your name?"

Shen Wu forget to move his mouth, "Well ..." He looked back, motioned to Su Kui's hand against his lips.


Su Kui let go, Shen Buwang took a breath, curled his hands down on both sides, "Thank you so much for the girl, the name of the trail is Shen Buwang, she made her own claims before, disturbed the girl, please forgive me."

After all, he saluted again.

Su Kui: ...

"Stop, stop!" No way, Su Kui had to stop quickly, "You are a strange priest, and you don't know how you have lived safely to the present!"

She yawned lazily and rolled her eyes indecently, "Yes, Yaxing has been completely disturbed by you. If you want to enjoy the moon, climb up again."

I watched her pat on the Huapao and walked away. Don't forget to silently change this time.

Shen Wuwang has a special ability. Although his talent is very low and his cultivation speed is slow, he has very strange eyes.

His eyes can see the future, the past, and the real bodies of those demons and ghosts—

The old Taoist who had adopted him said that he had to be merciful to the sky and gave him a pair of eyes that extraordinary people could have. But he also said that he was poor and did not have the ability to match it.

It doesn't matter if Shen Buwang is stricken. After the old Taoist died, he walked around with his suitcase on his back and looked at the landscape of the world.

The old Taoist also said that, with his ability, he was afraid that he would not be able to build a foundation for his life. Why should he work so hard?

He pursed his lips. As early as during the day, he had broken through the real body of the other party. A lot of monsters and monsters met along the way. The legendary Phoenix was the first time.

He sucked his lips, touched his hot face, and shook his head, but this phoenix had a bad temper.

All of a sudden, I thought about this.

Suddenly, a thought entered his mind, and he patted his head, annoyed that he forgot to ask the other party's name.

With a sigh, he patted his gray robe, remembering the girl assaulting her Chinese costume. She was so arrogant that the endless splendor bloomed, and she really was a person of two worlds.

Haoyuehaojing didn't want to appreciate it at all. He walked out of the yard, stepped onto the corridor, and planned to go back to rest.

"Hey, the one in front, Shen Don't forget it?"


Ignoring the joy in his heart, he turned his head quickly and saw the other side of the corridor, the person sitting, wasn't it just the phoenix with bad temper?

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