Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

The illusion is very large, but it is not worth mentioning to those who cultivate immortals.

If Fate is capable of surmounting dangers and formations, naturally anyone can qualify for a treasure that can make the sky fall.

At this moment, it is Ling Yichuan who is inseparable from everyone.

He is considered to be the least injured person in a group of people with well-dressed clothes.

And he is also close to the treasure box in the middle of the formation.

"Another one to die ?! Today I am bound to get this thing, not afraid of death!"

"Hahahaha, whoever is afraid of you, the winner is king, speak with strength!"

"Don't talk nonsense, look at the sword!"


Su Kui blinked, wow this group of people is so irritable, they have drawn their swords at the same time.

She was extremely fast, she closed the fan, the fan bone collided with the blade, rubbed countless sparks, gently pushed it, and pushed the person tens of meters away, and a deep gully was drawn in the snow under her feet.

"Want to go together?"

Illusions have limitations. Those who are about to become immortals ca n’t get in at all. The selected ones who can enter the fantasy are carefully selected elites of the martial arts, and their cultivation practices are all suppressed. There are very few tricks that can be combated .

So even if it is Ling Yichuan, the tactics used are only human tactics. Among them, their martial arts are the most. Together, they can easily achieve their goals.

"Don't be too crazy!"

Ling Yichuan was only 16 years old at this time. His face was clear, and his white robe was stained with blood stains, but he didn't seem to be embarrassed at all. He shook his head and prevented the people around him from continuing to speak harshly, "Brother, don't be impulsive!"

Which one was present here came from so many monks by their own strength? Not all depended on the martial arts, fighting all the way to protect, and then successfully reached the destination.

But in front of him, a young man in red, looking at about 17 or 18 years old, was holding a bone fan in his hand. The bone did not know what material he used to make. His bones were white, and there was a faint dark red in it, like hell. The flowers on the other side appear to have colors, which are particularly strange.

"The young man must have come to this thing, but there is only one treasure, but there are many people who want it. Does the young man really want to fight for your life and death?"

When he came out, the head gave a death order. Ling Yichuan had to bring this thing back to the school, and must not fall into the hands of other schools.

It is difficult to find a rare magic weapon once in a thousand years. With it, you can bring the martial arts to a higher level.

Ling Yichuan's eyes flickered with fine light, and his eyes glared at Su Kui.

"Then let's do it," Su Kui finished his sentence, toes a little, and quickly skimmed towards Ling Yichuan. He was startled, and when he responded, he turned his head to avoid the key point, but found that the hair on the temples was stiffened by the fan bone. Cut it off, and even carried it on his cheek, leaving a shallow wound.

There was a burning sensation at the wound, and his facial skin twitched uncontrollably.


"Brother, how are you ?!"

A group of people were led by Ling Yichuan. Before they came out, they were put to death by their heads and ears. They must protect Ling Yichuan's safety. At this moment, he was also injured and couldn't help but put down his contempt for Su Kui.

This person is not simple.

Su Kui was standing in front of the formation now. She narrowed her eyes and looked at the middle box. The formation seemed to be ordinary, but as soon as there were living creatures close, the formation changed immediately. As long as you go in, it will surely be cut into pieces.

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