Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Shaoguang passed by just a few fingers.

In a flash, ten years have passed.

This is a town at the foot of the Lingxianpai Mountain. There are many people who trade in and out of Xianxian, and they have also spawned many businesses selling elixir.

The ten-year contract with Mo Wang is set to be comparable to that after January.

At that time, Lingxianpai Mountain Gate will be open, and many martial arts high-powered people can start to challenge the disciples in the gate. The two sides make a bet and the winner will naturally make a lot of money and become famous.

After all, the Lingxian School can be regarded as the first major school of Xiuxian.

"Little girl, can you buy a string of knotted ropes? But can the girl find her sweetheart as soon as possible ~"

A kind voice interrupted Su Kui's contemplation. She looked back dumbly, and she saw Tao Yao jumped and walked towards the stall selling red rope under the peach blossom tree.

Su Kui shook his head and smiled. This girl hasn't changed her personality after ten years.

She stepped up and walked over, standing in front of the booth, looking down at these so-called knot ropes.

It was just a piece of ordinary rope dyed red. But looking at the surrounding peach trees, all of them are tied with these. When the wind blows, the red is caught in the pink, slowly fluttering, especially beautiful.

It's like the little girl's feeling at the beginning of her love, tight and beautiful.

Su Kui did not pierce, so she put her hands into her sleeves and leaned on the peach blossom trunk, looking at Tao Yao with a smile.

Obviously, it is a common and ordinary red string. She has to choose carefully and do not know if she can pick out a flower from inside.

"Tao Yao, just pick one at random. It's too deliberate, but not effective."

Can't really see her hesitation in the past, Su Kui lightly reminded.

The old woman who sold the rope smiled and bent her eyes and nodded her head, "Yes, yes, this girl is talking about this reason, and feelings are about fate."

"Ah ?! This way!"

Tao Yao was taken aback, then she would n’t give her marriage “deliberately” right?

Busy out of a pile of ropes, squeezed a random piece out of it, held it in front of his eyes, and said in a clear voice: "Then I want this one!"

So, is it okay?

She looked sideways and carefully looked at Su Kui's expression, trying to see something from her face.

Seeing Su Kui nodded, he immediately cheered and jumped away.

Su Kui knew that she must also choose a peach tree that looked pleasing to her eyes, so that she could tie up her baby rope. With her tossing, Su Kui was too lazy to take care of it and told her not to provoke trouble.

This is not the realm of mortals. At the foot of the Lingxian School, there are immortals everywhere. Su Kui always cannot protect her.

"Mother-in-law, how much is it?"

Su Kui took out the spirit stone, smiled like a flower on the face, and handed it to the old lady, "She is very happy, thank you."

"Oh, the girl is polite, would you like to choose one?"

Su Kui hasn't recovered from this "girl", raised her eyebrows, "How does mother-in-law know that I am a daughter?" You know, the first one who discovered the truth, Shen Shen, forget the stink Taoist and disappear for ten years No more to come to her.

Just thinking about it, I must beat him up to be relieved when I meet him.

The old lady looked lovingly at her delicate and beautiful eyebrows and spoke softly, "Human eyes can't fool people, your eyes when looking at the peach tree are melancholy and missed, girls, when you think of sweethearts, eyebrows The feelings between them are most touching. "

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