Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2909: Wangfu abandoned concubine (11)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"Right, that is it."

The woman's voice was soft and cold, and two complex feelings blended into her, which was very beautiful.

Su Kui supported his chin, "Don't lean on again, protect your princess, my mind, since I entered the Xicuiyuan, I haven't always been sober, just in case of madness, but I don't die. Endlessly— "


Xia Yan didn't dare to cheat the child in her stomach, she bit her lower lip tightly, and the pitiful look could no longer be put on. She crossed her eyebrows and stared at Su Kui, "I should say to my sister that this is the case, and you have just said that, since this is different from the past, since you entered the Xicuiyuan, you should wait quietly for death. ! Do I have to appear in front of me over and over again? "

"Huh, don't pretend to be innocent?" Su Kui held the breathless Xi Gui, "No one in this palace is absolutely pure. Do you think you are pure innocent, Shao Jinyu will absolutely believe it? Actually you did it Those things, he already knew, huh ... "

Grandma Wang looked at the situation where the two were tit-for-tat. The master is weak, and the only thing in the yard is Xi Gui and her.

The eunuchs and maid-servants of Xia Yandai add up to a total of dozens of them, and now Xia Yan is the master of Zhenger's Eighteen Classics in this house. If she really wants to deal with Su Kui, she is afraid Can't stop it.

"Impossible!" Xia Yan's face was white and she gritted her teeth. "The prince won't believe your gibberish. You have so many blood of innocent life in your hands. I'm not like you!"

Yes, that's it.

Xia Yan keeps comforting herself in his heart, as if this is the only way to let the panic beating up and down.

If the prince knew, how could it not be stopped? Can Liu Qingluan be abolished and make her a princess?

"Innocent?" Su Kui was amused by her. She dropped the cup and walked lightly. She walked gracefully in front of Xia Yan. Her raised hand was blocked by the maidservant. She wasn't annoyed. She slowly withdrew her hand and asked with a smile. , "Why don't I know which blood of innocent life is in my hand? It's the heart of my sister's heart that admires me. It's just a pity for my nephew who was too late to be born--"

"Shut up! Come here! Give me—"

"What are you doing ?!"

Xia Yan's orders weren't finished before he heard a sullen question from behind him.

Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, his face pale, his body trembling slightly, unable to restrain himself.

There was already a lot of hula and kneeling around, and the eunuchs humbly said: "See the prince! I have seen Master Shoufu!"

The people who came were actually Shao Jinyu and Xu Wenliu!

"Wang, Lord ..."

Xia Yan turned around with difficulty, but the words did not come out. The tears fell first, and she was sobbing, which caused distress.

However, Shao Jinyu's glinting eyes swept over her, and finally landed on Su Kui who was standing well. I didn't know why, and my heart seemed relieved.

"Xia Yan, the king warned you, keep your baby in your stomach, don't move around. Are you thinking of the king's words as a breeze?"

When she touched her again in her red clothes, the meaning of the demonstration was too obvious, but how can Shao Jinyu not understand?

In the backyard, women have some means, but if you have to be precise, you will get annoying.

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