Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2948: Glamorous female president x amnesia little beggar

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Su Ku is just as good to him as he is. After all, the ambiguous relationship he currently maintains with her can tolerate her occasional willfulness.

But what is this hairy kid who looks so stale? !

He sneered, "Who are you? This is the thing before Yun Fei and I invite you to leave!" As he said, he pointed to the door and regarded himself as the master completely.

Su Kui watched with cold eyes, and quickly smiled briefly, the smile was unclear, "Han Mu, this is my new assistant and bodyguard. From today, he will follow me all the time, you drive my bodyguard away, this Not kind! "

The youth's dark eyes brightened, and he held down the position of his heart, as if something was popping, making him excited.

He couldn't figure out what it was like, but only knew that the woman's maintenance treated him as if he were his own, and he was very happy.

After arranging the flowers, he walked back to the woman and stood still. Then he looked up and caught Han Mu ’s threatening eyes. The silent eyes flashed fiercely, "Sir, did you hear what Miss Mu said? I am now her Her bodyguard is only ordered by her. As long as she does n’t talk to me, I will always follow her. ”

Of course, private breaks are not included.

The eyes of the two men meet in the air, killing them as if they were sparkling with electricity.

Su Kui hummed the song gently, slender fingers as jade, tapping on the thigh, not intervening.

Until Han Mu couldn't bear it, he reluctantly withdrew his gaze. He was in a worse mood. Even the elegant gentleman on the surface was almost unsustainable. His facial expression was indifferent. He asked Su Kui, "Yun Fei, do we have to see each other like this ? When do we get along, we need an outsider to be present! "

"And, he is your new assistant, what about me? Your affairs have not always been taken over by me. He is a hairy boy, what can he do, what will he do ?! Do you think clearly ?!"

Han Mu's heart went up and down, and the suspicion again came to his mind, why Su Kui suddenly greeted him with lukewarmness, even with a smile, he was alienated.

He clenched his fists, could he--

Was she discovering that he had a woman outside?

Yes, this is the most likely thing!

Han Mu found a reason for himself. What Su Kui waited for was to let him think about it. Now it was time for her to speak slowly, and she said slowly, "Han Mu, you have been my assistant for some time. It ’s too wrong to stay with me as an assistant. It happened that some time ago, the director of the finance department left, and now there ’s a shortage of managers there. Would you like to help me in the past? ”

Finance? !

Gu Xinian heard his brows straight, he looked at the woman's slightly red lips complexly, wondering what she meant.

Didn't she see that the man in front of her was actually plotting wrong?

In this way, she dare to transfer him to such an important position?

Su Kui naturally knows, but Mu Yunfei in the previous life did give Han Mu the position of financial director a year later, which gave him the opportunity to do his financial work.

Turn the person away, and then let his dog jump the wall in a hurry. It is better to calm the person first and look under his eyelids.

"Yun Fei, is this true?"

Han Mu's breathing was a bit heavy, and all his suspicions were thrown behind his head. He thought about his position for a long time, and it fell so easily on his head?

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