Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2958: Glamorous female president x amnesia little beggar

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Gu Xinian did not understand why the woman invited him to dinner, and most of them were in a normal relationship with subordinates.

Only occasionally, when he is too tired, he can't help but intervene in her private life.

"it is good."

The young man stood up with the baby face that was completely incompatible with his character, quickly packed up the documents, and finally lifted his wrist to look at his watch. The pointer went to eleven o'clock, and the time was just right.

"Go, do you want to eat Chinese food or Western food?"

Before he left, he glanced out of the window, and the fog began to float. He silently took her coat and listened to her casually answer, "Well, Western food, Chinese food is tired."

In fact, according to Su Kui's taste, she prefers Chinese food a little more.

But after hearing the system's prompt, she decided to watch a good show.

There are more dramas than watching bastards.

When she arrived at the parking lot, she remembered that she didn't take her coat and the cold air hit her. She wore a professional skirt and stockings under her short skirt, which didn't provide any warmth at all.

"It has cooled down. Put on your coat."

A big hand held a black coat in the same color as the one on her and handed it to her indifferently.

Su Kui was taken aback for a while, and then her eyes opened slightly, her facial features were smiling, and she was pleasantly surprised: "Xi Nian, why are you so good!"

If the former Han Mu was hypocritical to her, then Gu Xinian, under Zhang Leng's indifferent shell, was doing something good to her quietly.

Because of him, she would not pay attention to these little things all the time.


Gu Xinian swallowed her throat, her eyes dark and unclear. She looked at the delicate facial features of the woman in front of her. Her pupils bent slightly, like a crescent moon, and the smile was sincere.

Am I really good?

A few words twirled around the tip of the tongue and swallowed silently, Gu Xinian smiled indifferently, "Really? Put on? Beware of illness."

Su Kui put on her coat and followed Gu Xinian to the parking place.

As he walked, he looked at him sideways and ridiculed, "It's so good in the New Year's Eve, and I don't know which girl will be so lucky to be able to marry you."

Something else-

Gu Xinian, who was one step ahead of Su Kui, squeezed his lips tightly, and the smile disappeared instantly. He clenched his fist and slowly released it, saying, "There will be no other women."

Without knowing it, he thought he would never find a girlfriend in his life.

Only Su Kui kept pace, and snickered behind him.

The system popped up at this time: [Host, you are really bad. 】

Su Kui raised her eyebrows and was in a good mood. [Is there? ] She thinks it's okay, her lover is so cute, so she has to tease her.

Maybe the next world is not so fun.

Especially his baby face makes her want to get a squeeze ~

System: [Host, in fact, you do n’t need to deliberately touch him now. No matter how many reincarnations, he only recognizes you and will not betray you. 】

That's why, after every meeting, he always involuntarily favored her.

Not Mary Sue, just because it is a mark carved in the depths of the soul, which has long been above all memories.

Whenever I see it, I will fall in love.

Without exception!

Su Kui was silent, and suddenly asked the system, with a serious tone, the system was startled, [system, has not been found, who is his body? 】

Why are there so many coincidences that after she enters this so-called reincarnation system, there is a same soul that does nothing but to help her protect her?

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