Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2961: Glamorous female president x amnesia little beggar

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"Otherwise?" Su Kui raised her eyebrows and teased, "There are not many good men like Xi Nian, and I don't know who will be cheaper in the end, hey, I feel a little uncomfortable when I think about it ~"

She pretended to sigh uncomfortably, and she heard the slightly young child's face beside her, and her voice was very firm. "I won't!" Gu Xinian's eyes were fixed on Su Kui's eyes. In a word, it is very clear.

"No matter whether I can remember things in the future or not, everything will not change. Even, if you want, I can stay with you all my life. It doesn't matter if I don't go back--"

The young man's slightly rounded sparrow eyes were clear, and there was a stubbornness under his eyes. Instead of the usual coldness, he brought a little embarrassment, so he stared at Su Kui without blinking.

"I can stay with you for as long as you want, and no other woman will appear!"

Of course, Gu Xinian didn't know his mind at this time, he was just simple, he didn't want to leave the woman beside him.

She looks so good-looking, mature woman with all kinds of amorous feelings, the most attractive to those stinky men.

For example, Han Mu, who eats inside and out--

If he didn't pay attention, wouldn't she have no bones to be eaten? In particular, every time Han Mu looks at her, it gets hotter.

In Gu Xinian's heart, it was as disgusting as eating a fly.

"Wow, is it such a good year?"

Su Kui was coaxed with enthusiasm, she squeezed her hands to cover her red lips and laughed, and a pair of streamer peach eyes turned diagonally towards him.

"Sure!" Gu Xinian returned to her.

At this time, the traffic police had been photographing the window outside for a long time, but neither of them ignored it.

Now, Gu Xinian, who is in a better mood, rolled down the window and gave the traffic police a good look. He looked angry and nodded and said, "I'm sorry, I quarreled with my girlfriend, we will leave now." . "

As for the fines, Gu Xinian paid the money obediently, and quickly stepped on the accelerator in the tone of the traffic police muttering "Now the young men are so irritable."

Su Kui opened her small mouth in surprise, "What did you just say?"

If she heard correctly, he seemed to have just said that she was his girlfriend.

Has the little wolf dog got rid of it?

Gu Xinian no longer looked down at her eyes, daring to look at her sideways, and vaguely said, "No, nothing ..."

Just just made an excuse casually, but somehow, the heartstring snapped.

"Oh--" Su Kui realized, suddenly snickering, and didn't take him through.

In fact, Gu Xinian's cheeks are already red, and he is about to bleed, but he still has to make a serious look, which is really flattering.


Can't wait to eat him!


Gu Xinian set a famous French restaurant in this city. Gu Xinian parked his car and helped Su Kuila drive the door, and reached over the door to prevent her from hitting her head.

Su Kuimei's eyes moved slightly and moved, saying, "Gu Xinian, you are really good."

Unfortunately, at present, she still has a good show to participate.

Let's talk about the future.

Because it was booked in advance, when they arrived, there was naturally a waitress who personally greeted them and brought them to a quiet and quiet environment by the window.

The fragrance of fresh lilies floats in the air, and the looming piano music is elegant and moving.

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