Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

How can this be? If you go on like this, Zhou family, where is there a place for their mother and daughter.

She could see it, Zhou Mei, she really wanted to get back everything that belongs to her.

No kidding at all!

She said that she had called the friend of Zhou's friend to ask for help. Zhou Lan had great reason to believe that Su Ku must have called.

As Zhou Lan thought, Su Kui did indeed call, and now Sun Ruyue is still afraid of her. Zhou's friends can really help her at this time.

Free personal contact, don't do nothing, Su Kui is not as silly as Zhou Mei.

"Shut up !!" Sun Ruyue glared at her daughter unpleasantly. How could she give birth to such a stupid thing, only to learn a little bit of her fur, but turned down to look down upon her.

Don't think about it. If it weren't for her, where would she be now?

Was n’t she the mother who looked down on her and earned it on the man ’s belly? !

But, in life, probably the only regret is that the short-lived man did not get hooked--


"Why should I shut up?" Zhou Lan thought that Sun Ruyue was afraid and showed weakness to Su Kui. Her dissatisfied Chong Sun Ruyue said: "Is she your daughter or me? How can you let her go so easily! Let her go on like this, wouldn't she want to rebel?"

Zhou Lan hated her chest so violently that she was angry and piled up in her heart, making her uncomfortable.

I wanted to vent but couldn't vent, the girl's changes in front of me really changed overnight, and she didn't react at all.

Today, Su Kui gave her the dismounting power that was too big. She first cut the clothes she had ordered her to wash, and then pushed her fiercely, almost pushing her down the stairs. Then there was the warning, and finally, even the mother she depended on showed weakness.

How can this be!

"Slap--" Sun Ruyue suddenly slammed up with impatience, noisy, noisy, when you encounter things, you know that noisy and noisy, if this can solve the problem, then everything is easy to handle!

Didn't hear what Su Kui said just now? She has found a backer. She is not a little girl who used to fight and scold. She suddenly found her reason and decided not to be a little orphan who was bullied by anyone. She has to get back everything that belongs to her.

In addition, she was not afraid of her, she was not afraid of everything she and Zhou Lan did to her, and she even took precautions, so she said what she just said.

If she can, she really hopes that Zhou Mei is her daughter.

In this way, she is the wife of the Zhou family, and her inheritance rights are also hers.

Instead of deliberately concealing and calculating.

There's another idiot here.

"You beat me? You beat me for this little **** ?!"

Zhou Lan collapsed. She grabbed a handful of hair fiercely. She drank a few glasses of wine at night. Alcohol began to wreak havoc in her brain, disturbing her nerves and making her a little nervous.

Generally, by this time, she should have been in a nightclub and started a crazy nightlife with a group of Hupeng dog friends.

Now staying here, he was slapped by his mother.

"It's you who is fighting," Sun Ruyue is very impatient. She doesn't want to talk too much with Zhou Lan. Her IQ is there. Besides spending money, she doesn't have much skill, but who makes her her own daughter?

Sun Ruyue could not really abandon her.

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