Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

What a arrogant man--

"Oh, you're just happy, I just don't like the team, there are such broken employees."

Su Kui rolled her eyes and lay in the sand, "Oh."


Wen Zheng frowned, always feeling like he was seen through. He stretched out his hand and pulled Su Kui, "Get up, the ground is dirty."

Su Kui pointed at him, "but you are also sitting on the sand!" What a fool.

Wen Zheng looked down at himself, silently.

Su Kui covered her mouth and snickered.

The aura between the two people, other people simply can not get in. What Wen Zheng did just now can be seen by people with clear eyes, he is clearly helping the girls around him.

It is estimated that they will soon have a boss lady!

A group of people, you look at me, I look at you, quietly Mimi left.

Soon, there were only two people left next to the campfire, lying and sitting, fighting, but the mood was like a star by the night sky, very happy.


The leisurely vacation soon ended, Su Kui directly returned to Zhou's house with a salute.

In the days without her, Sun Ruyue and Zhou Lan were much more comfortable. Her drug addiction is so great that she still hasn't successfully stopped drug addiction. The whole person has been tortured in a bad shape.

Therefore, no matter how Zhou Lan pleaded, Sun Ruyue refused to let her go.

If she was forced to rush, Sun Ruyue directly pulled all the hatred on Su Kui, and it was Su Ku who forced her. If it was not for her evidence that Zhou Lan was taking drugs, she would not bother to control her.

Therefore, Zhou Lan now hates Su Kui.

As soon as Su Kui came back, Sun Ruyue and Zhou Lan's comfortable days came to an end.

This also made them firm and must remove Su Kui's thoughts earlier.


"Hello, boss Huang, my little daughter is back. Look, when is it convenient for you to come and have a look?"

"Ah? Tomorrow? Okay, we must welcome each other on the couch and rest assured that my daughter, who is really spoiled and pampered, will surely satisfy you!"

Sun Ruyue leaned on the big bed, playing with his own gem ring, and smiled like a flower on his face, the fierce flash in his eyes.

Zhou Mei, tomorrow is your end!

Wait for me to ruin everything about you, ruin your faith and future, and see what else you are fighting with me!

At night, Su Kui was active in the WeChat group of Wen Zheng Studio.

Everyone in the group added, including Wen Zheng.

It's just that Wen Zheng never appears, as if he wasn't his own. Everyone is guessing that Wen Zheng directly blocked the work group.

Therefore, they have always spoken boldly.

Old Liu: [Mui Mei, tell me honestly, what is the situation between you and the boss, eh? ? ? 】

Chen Huahua: [Frankly be lenient, resist strictness, hurry up! ! 】

Pharaoh next door: [I have seen everything! (Cigarette lighting)]

Xiaohan: [Hand the big brother a cigarette. 】

Xiao Zhang: [Hand the tea to the big brother! 】

Xiao Sun: [Bump your leg! 】

Qian Yu: [Big Brother, do you need anything else? I have it here! Pass the ice to the big brother! 】

Su Kui watched several people play tricks, and had a hunch that a good show was coming.

Sure enough, just when her idea first appeared, the next second, I saw in the working group, known as the perennial diver, and may even have blocked someone in the WeChat group, in the airborne group.

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