Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Far from the top floor of a luxury apartment in the city center, the huge transparent skylight made of pure glass, and the water in the swimming pool, under the bright moonlight, shimmered, like the scales of a mermaid falling into the water.

Suddenly heard the sound of falling into the water, is to drop the phone's Wen Zheng, plunged into the water.

The vigorous body swam freely in the water before exposing his head from the water, Wen Zheng breathed out a breath, and sharply shoved a piece of black hair behind his head, revealing a full forehead.

Just listening to the big swimming room, there was a bad breath.

"When you should be strong, you should be hypocritical. When you should not be strong, you must succeed!"

He stood up from the water, pulled a towel over his head with bare feet, and strode out, leaving behind a pool of water stains.


Su Kui was awakened in a row of noise.

She sat up slowly from the bed and listened to Sun Ruyue letting her voice down. Su Kui heard the tender smell from her tone in horror and shivered, only feeling a little sick.

"Muimei, are you here? Is it eight o'clock now, do you need to have breakfast? Some guests come to you, come out quickly!"

Su Kui sneered. She didn't answer angrily in the room, pretending not to wake up, and said, "That's your guest, not mine, get away, don't disturb me to sleep!"

Sun Ruyue, who was standing outside the door, paused, closed his mouth, and said to the man on the side, "Sorry, let you see the joke, boss Huang."

She was a little embarrassed and annoyed. She knew she shouldn't be so good-tempered!

Zhou Mei, this stinky girl, is underpaid! Huh, I'll make her look good later!

Thinking hard in my heart, he was getting gentler on the face, and even gave a gentle smile to the man next to him.

Next to Sun Ruyue, stood a fat man with a big belly stopped. He smoked a cigarette and smiled: "It's okay, Miss, always getting upset."

Seeing his expression did not seem to lie, Sun Ruyue was relieved. It seems that Zhou Mei's temper was right to his taste.

not easy--

Sun Ruyue thought that as long as Zhou Mei was sent out, he could get tens of millions, and his heart was hot and comfortable, and he could also send Zhou Mei away and leave it clean. Why not do it?

"Sleep, hurry up, there are really guests coming to see you. If you don't open the door again, I will forcefully demolish it!"

Su Kui yawned and leaned against the bed, playing with a mobile phone in his hand, the latest model, which was regarded as compensation given by Sun Ruyue.

She sneered, turned on the screen, unlocked, clicked into the phone address book, finger slightly, and finally landed on Wang Yi's number.

Sun Ruyue could not hear the voice inside, and did not know what Su Kui was doing. She was anxious and became more impatient.

"Zhou Mei, did you hear? I'm your guardian anyway. Don't toast or eat fine wine! Come out and hear it? Don't force me to take the door apart!"

Su Kui's mobile phone has been tuned up, she sorted out her expression, and said, "What do you want to do?"

Sun Ruyue was relieved when he heard the reaction, and now he knows that he is afraid? It's a pity to be late!

Zhou Lan sneered with her hands on her shoulders, "Mom, what are you polite with her? She didn't make up her mind. If you still talk to her in a good voice, she will be willing to come out! It's strange. Let me see, She opened the door directly. Where else can she hide? "

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