Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Because, she understood the gap between the two people, even in the poor life, it may not be able to catch up.

Huo Xiaoke flashed sarcasm in his eyes, pursed his mouth, and replied coldly: "He is not Ayu's boyfriend!" But her master!

Even if she is a goddess in the eyes of these people. However, in Huo Xiaoke's heart, Ama, is just a running dog under Shen Tu's feet, a slave!

When you envy her, you probably didn't think about it, she would also be jealous of my jealous madness, and even want to kill me?

Huo Xiaoke thought to himself, and because of these feelings, he felt a lot more comfortable.

"Xiao Ke, do you really know A-Hu?" Ruan Baiping was surprised. At first she thought Huo Xiaoke had a problem with her brain.

But after eating a meal and playing in the bar for so long, Ruan Baiping saw Huo Xiaoke's mind is still very clear.

So, is it really possible for her to know A-Hu?

This thought aroused her heart of gossip, she bumped into Huo Xiaoke's shoulder, and quietly asked: "You secretly talk to me, how do you know Aunt? Such a person is completely like us You from two worlds— "

Huo Xiaoke frowned, "Why are you so gossip ?!" She couldn't help it. At first, Ruan Baiping even told her that the newcomers were unreasonable and so on. As a result, this meal was bought up?

"I don't want to say, and I don't like this woman Auntie! That's it!"

It may be alcoholic brain, what dare not say during the day, at night, Huo Xiaoke does not want to endure.

In particular, looking at the handsome men and women who were not far away, tall and tall, and the god-like man stood in front of the woman. A posture of maintenance always reminded her of the original picture.

She hated Auntie and didn't want her to stay with Shen Tushenfei. But Shen Tu is not a requirement for her, but an attitude of direct neglect.

In Huo Xiaoke's eyes, Shen Tu's practice was tantamount to choosing a woman between two people.

All of this made her uncomfortable and could not suppress the jealousy in her heart.

Therefore, she, angry, naturally did not see that her cell phone call had rang several times.

"What's wrong with you? Have you been stimulated? Your brain is sick!"

Ruan Baiping was stunned, looked at Huo Xiaoke, stood up and walked away from her, and muttered while walking, "I was blind, and I brought you personally, what's wrong? The person looks ugly and has a temper ! "

In my heart, Huo Xiaoke has been blacklisted.

Look at Su Kui here again.

Several men saw that the boss was directly looked at by the weak and could not help the wind, the man with a weak body kicked out a few tens of meters, and his legs were soft.

I thought the woman was abnormal enough, but it turned out to be more abnormal.

Guan Jian lies in that they haven't seen clearly before, why Shen Tu is not here.

"Don't roll yet?" Su Kui looked like a smile, his hands around his chest, a pair of long and round peach blossom eyes looked at the only two men standing, spit out three words.

As soon as the words came out, the two men looked at each other without saying a word, and hurried out of the crowd with their heads down.

As for the people left behind, sorry, life is important.

In the future, Su Kui guessed that these people should not come over again. Was she doing something good by accident, saving the majority of female compatriots who came out to play?

Shaking her head, the matter was over, she no longer thought about it.

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