Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Moreover, she is not in a mood to deal with the other party's guilty conscience, and she just stood up and walked away without saying a word, not realizing that her lips had been bitten and bleeding.

"Xiao Ke? What's wrong with you?"

Ye Lang caught up and looked at her as if she was not at home, worried. "Xiao Ke, what are you talking about? Did something happen? Tell me about it, we can find a solution together!"

Huo Xiaoke paid a lot for him, so Ye Lang also vowed to treat Huo Xiaoke.

Seeing her like this, I was almost in a hurry.

"Xiao Ke--"

Huo Xiaoke walked forward without saying a word. When crossing the road, he was nearly hit by a car because he was lost. Fortunately, Ye Lang followed her closely all the time. When she saw her, she quickly grabbed her and pulled her back.

The roar of the horn and the car was fast and far away, and there was even a curse of the driver in the wind, "Sick! Do not come out to retaliate against society, and don't rely on Laozi!

Obviously, Huo Xiaoke's expression and Ye Lang, who was closely followed behind him, looked at him and was in a conflict with his boyfriend and lost his soul.

This is indeed unflattering!

Life is not easy. If she was killed, she would have to lose money. She would have to carry her life for life, which is also a psychological pressure.

This time, Ye Lang dared not let go.

His brow furrowed, "Xiao Ke, what are you talking about, are you going to kill me?" Ye Lang refused to let go of Huo Xiao Ke's hand, anxiously.

It was already early in the morning, there were few vehicles passing by on the road, the street lights were bright, and occasionally I could hear the sound of music from bars and clubs not far away.

"I'm okay, don't worry about me?" Huo Xiaoke replied in a bad tone, leaving his hand away.

Ye Lang's heart sank, "Xiao Ke, tell me the truth, are you being bullied?"

In Ye Lang's heart, Huo Xiaoke has always been a timid, even cowardly woman, who was bullied and dared not speak.

But now, her sudden anger not only made Ye Lang startled, but also somewhat unacceptable.

So this is the question.

He asked carefully, but didn't know which words caused Huo Xiaoke's nerves. She suddenly dropped the bag in her hand and shouted hysterically with red eyes. "I said let you not care about me, you Is it deaf? Can you stop being blind in front of me, I do n’t want to see you now, have you heard it ?! "

All the pictures that appeared in the bar kept echoing in her mind, and now when she looked at the man who was shouted a little at her, she suddenly felt a bit unsightly.

Such a man, a man like a god, used to be so good to her—

And this one in front of you? She only **** her blood and treats her like a slave. Even, she thinks that she still has to work hard to pay for the tuition of graduate students!

Why is there a better choice, she did not cherish it before?

For the first time, Huo Xiaoke had great doubts about his decision.

Is this really what she wants? She felt like she was going crazy.

Ye Lang blinked, and it took a long time to understand Huo Xiaoke's words, but after understanding, he would rather not understand.

"Small, small but ... are you, do you hate me?"

He was hurt in the heart, returned home from school, saw the empty rental house, and then kept calling her but no one answered, he looked around and almost rummaged through the city.

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