Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

No matter how unreasonable Huo Xiaoke's side is.

On the other hand, Shen Tu is not the same as Su Kui, but it is a different scene.

For a while, Su Kui blinked his peachy eyes, and suddenly felt that everything in front of him became so familiar.

This is not the villa on the top of the hill, where has she lived?

She kicked her legs in displeasure, "You let me go, Shen Tu this is wrong, I don't want to come back, you let go, I want to drink! Give me wine!"

The woman in her arms was dizzy, and when she saw the familiar scene in front of her, she struggled again.

Shen Tu could not hold back, and a pair of eyes were stained with a little smile, "Shen Tu this is not? Aunt, your courage has grown, and you dare to call me my name."

Qing Yue's sombre voice fell, Su Kui suddenly sober.

Her soft body stiffened, and afterwards realized she was still in Shen Tu's arms.

Shen Tu also felt this unnaturally. He walked into her room and put her on the bed. Everything was still a picture of her leaving.

Rejoicing in my heart, but cold on the face, Su Kui opened his eyes and hummed, "You are no longer my master, you forgot, you have driven me away!"

So, calling his name is nothing.

Shen Tu was not on the way. I didn't know how many words she had to leave after hearing her. There was no need for him to say anything like that. A heart was already smashed.

I still remember that not long ago, the little woman stood by his bed and waited for him to dress and pour tea for his knife. When he was practicing writing, he would accompany him well. When he was in a bad mood on a rainy day, she would lie there. He turned back to his original shape on his knees, and accompanied him wisely.

And her tender, loving confession: "I will never leave the master, if I leave the master, I will die--"

Looking back now, Shen Tuqifei felt that the woman in front of him was just a liar.

What can't leave him, will die if he leaves.

In his opinion, after leaving him, she did not know how chic and happy!

"Did you say that?" Shen Tu was not a pair of silver eyes, looking at her indifferently, and after she closed her mouth silently, she slowly opened her lips. "Finally, why did you go to the bar? Go close to Huo Xiaoke, madam, you're not good. "

He had a plan in his heart, especially when he saw Huo Xiaoke's docile appearance in this life, and actually had a grudge against some caution, Shen Tu this was a deliberately put an end to Ahu and Huo Xiaoke's meeting.

Who knows, the two still met.

Especially these two people are now in an endless state.

Shen Tu was not really afraid. A little lady, who only looked at Jiao Jiao, was actually a very simple little fox, and would play again.

She always thought she would be fearless if she had done something. In fact, humans have dealt with her more.

Once discovered, she probably never thought about how serious the consequences are!

Su Kui pursed her red lips and did not plan to speak.

She clasped her hands on the bedpost and leaned against the bedpost. Because of her struggle, her long wavy hair was scattered in a messy manner, and her body was full of alcohol.

Especially for foxes with a keen sense of smell, this is really not a good smell.

"not talking?"

Shen Tu was not standing by the bed, his eyes were indifferent, staring at the woman's thick eyebrows, because of the alcohol, the cheeks were filled with intoxicating blush, a pair of long eyelashes drooping, the red tear mole under the eyes, especially enchanting.

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