Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

This sentence Shen Tu is not very light, so Huo Xiaoke did not go to his mind at all.

However, Su Kui, who is also an insider, clearly stated that Shen Tu this non-tribulation is really a tribulation of life and death!

Shen Tu is not good at communicating with human beings. In order to allow Huo Xiaoke to accept his good intentions, Shen Tu this is even pulling out his true identity.

Unexpectedly, it caused Huo Xiaoke's resistance.

However, while Huo Xiaoke had a sense of resistance, he actually caught Shen Tu's non-small handle and started yelling at him.

Su Kui was very happy to listen to it, especially the little fox, when it was said that her heart was gone, making her feel like her heart was gone.

The ten-year-old fox iron tree is blooming, and it looks like a serious love story.

Shen Tu was not aware of Su Kui's arrival long ago. At this time, seeing her still watching the excitement beside her, she couldn't help but helplessly, "Auntie? Can't come yet--"

He turned back, beckoning the woman standing at the end of the corridor with a smile, calling her past.

Su Kui went from good to good, with Huo Xiaoke's gaze to eat, and the waist-waisted models twisted their waist limbs past, buttocks sat on Shen Tu's legs.

Shen Tu is quite frank. He believes that since the relationship between the two has already occurred, it is the relationship of the partner, so no matter what other people think, in his eyes, there is only one woman left.

So, what does it matter to get close to your partner?

So, Su Kui just sat over, his big palm, he directly buckled Su Kui's waist, slowly rubbed, softly asked: "Does it still hurt? Tired?"

The fact that the faction is cold and warm is different from the cold Shen Tutu.

Huo Xiaoke saw the culprit coming out, his eyes could not help staring, "Shameless!"

She squeezed these two words out of her teeth.

Dare to do this in front of an outsider, really worthy of a vixen! Huo Xiaoke sees Su Kui, and only thinks that she has seduce Shen Tu this is wrong, otherwise, how can such a cold and godly man think of a woman?

Su Kui leaned back in Shen Tu's arms, and slender jade fingers kneaded Shen Tu's earlobes, turning back with a smile, smiling at Huo Xiaoke, "Why? Are you jealous? Seriously I still Thank you, before, but you do n’t cherish it ~ "

Su Kui couldn't like Huo Xiaoke. The carefulness in the eyes of this girl was almost full. Why did she sneer at their identity while coveting her help? Is it not human, destined to be inferior?

Moreover, Su Kui was very uncomfortable considering that Shen Tu was always looking for an opportunity to change Huo Xiao's reversible fate.

It would be nice if she could replace him.

After pursing his lips, Shen Tu was not aware of Su Kui's mood for a moment, "What's wrong? Last night I was too hard, did you feel uncomfortable?"

Shen Tu didn't think about it in detail, but in memory, it was all the little women who climbed his happy face, and it seemed that she was not sad.

Su Kui's old face was red, Huo Xiaoke was almost exploding.

"The ghost is jealous of you, vixen!"

She felt that it was a mistake to come here today. Apart from asking for humiliation, she did not get anything she wanted.

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