Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

One day, Huo Xiaoke woke up from bed in the morning and felt that something seemed different. There seems to be a deviation in her memory, vaguely remembering, she seems to know two foxes—

But if you think about it carefully, it seems to be her own illusion, it is her fantasy, and she can't remember these names at all.

But she had a stomachache a few days ago and even spit out blood in the bathroom. As a result, she was all light today, as if there was no pressure. She had been guilty of a painful stomach and was born with a tiger. I feel like I can swallow a cow.

For all these changes, Huo Xiaoke knew nothing about it, only thought that he had rested well, so the body healed and repaired itself.

She went to the hospital to check her body and got a report that she was in good health and there was no problem. Long life is not a problem!


Hilltop villa.

Su Kui looked at the man who came out of the closed room, tears fell uncontrollably.

On the white cheeks, tears could not be restrained, like the broken beads, one after another.

The man's dark hair was covered with a layer of hoarfrost for just one month, and his appearance was still the same as before, but his body was quickly weakened. Between the brows and the eyes, there was unspeakable fatigue.

The dust on his body grew stronger and stronger.

It's like someone who is ill, when he knows that he is going to die, he smiles gently at his favorite person.

"How did you cry? Didn't you promise me that I wouldn't be sad? You cried badly."

Shen Tu raised a smile, even if the pace was slow, he always walked firmly to Su Kui's front and hugged her as usual.

"Look, this time, my life only has a causal relationship with you. It has nothing to do with other people. Are you happy?"

Su Kui's eyes were red, she shook her head with tears, "not happy."

The two have experienced so many world companions. They have been intimate like a person for a long time. Watching him suffer is like taking a knife and cutting it on the tip of Su Kui's heart.

My forehead was touched with cold fingers, "Why are you not happy? It doesn't matter, wait for the next life, I will compensate you again, we have a cause and effect relationship, I owe you, of course, I have to chase the next life to pay you back. Just, I I don't want to be a demon ... "

The life of being a demon is too long, from cultivation to human form, meeting her again, and generating love again, I don't know how long it will be.

Su Kui nodded and smiled, "Relax, our next life will definitely be together, you will be reborn, not a demon."

Over the hilltop villa, lightning flashes and thunder, which is very different from the clear sky of the entire city. The dark clouds cover the entire villa.

Outside the boundary of the villa, the several guards headed by Atomic Day all stood anxiously outside and could not enter.

"It's Heavenly Dao-what should I do? Ama and her master are still inside!" Atomic Yi's lips tightened, staring at the picture in the villa, but because of a thin barrier, he couldn't enter at all.

"Zi Yi, this is the path chosen by Ama and her master, we can't interfere ..."

During the conversation, suddenly a bucket of lightning flashed to the roof of the villa, and the roof was directly destroyed in the next second.

A raging fire suddenly rose into the sky.

Su Kui hugged Shen Tuqifei backhand, listening to the violent thunder and lightning sound from outside the villa, "Are you afraid?"

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