Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"Hey! Fatty! Buy me a popsicle!"

In a word, Su Kui woke up. She sat up from the desk, rubbed her red face pressed by the book, and looked blankly to the side with her toes up, instructing her to buy popsicles.

The girl was wearing a red plaid shirt, below it was a knee-length skirt, black hair shawl, Qi Qihai was kept, and her eyebrows were raised when talking, a look that was only me.

The system has not yet transferred the memory to her, so Su Kui is not very clear about the current situation. She blinked her eyes and looked straight at the girl. She looked so uncomfortable that she was so uncomfortable that she stared at Su Kui fiercely: "Look what to see? Don't hurry! Go dare to see me again, be careful of me Get your eyes out! "

At a young age, the character is very fierce.

Su Kui coldly looked at her, "Want me to buy popsicles, what about your money?"

Judging from the surrounding environment and the dress of the students around me, it should belong to eight or nine years.

She stretched out her small white and tender hands, and her five chubby fingers were like radishes, "Give money!"

"You--you are not rich yourself!"

The girl's face was black. In the ghost weather, the hot people were all bad. Usually, when she was taking a break at noon, she would instruct Yi Yao to buy her a popsicle.

When other girls saw it, they learned something, and they asked her to buy it, but they didn't give money at all.

But they all take it for granted. Anyway, Yi Yao has money. Everyone is a classmate. Ask them to eat a popsicle for a few cents, and it won't cost her much!

Thinking of this, she quickly calmed down and pouted.

"Don't pretend, isn't it that you didn't play with you during the last class? Got it, go and buy popsicles. It's a big deal to take you with you when you play with us again in the afternoon!"


Su Kui frowned and looked at her seriously, "Whoever's money is not blown by the wind, I have money that is my business, it has nothing to do with you. This does not mean that my money, you can just do whatever you want Flower, understand? "

Just when she said this sentence, the system had transferred the belated memory to her mind.

In this world, the original owner Yi Yao, his parents died in a car accident, the family members hated her as a girl, and refused to ask her.

So she was thrown to the relatives' house. Fortunately, her father joined the army. A good buddy in the army came to adopt Yi Yao, which saved her from suffering.

However, it may be that she has arrived in a new environment, coupled with the treatment she had suffered in her own home, which made her always cautious, for fear of being wrong and being driven out.

Her adopted family name is Tang, and the family is very good to her, but unfortunately Yi Yao is cowardly and timid, and others treat her well, which will always make her dodge like a startled bird. Therefore, even if others treat her well, she is always careful, thinking that this is a dream, sooner or later, she will return to her own place.

Therefore, they are not close to the Tang family.

Later, her best relatives watched her fly, and wanted to get a bargain from her, deliberately treat her well, and then said what to take her home.

Yi Yao was moved when he saw this. After all, his loved ones were still their own relatives. They were in the Tang family. Even if these people treat themselves well, they are not just an outsider.

And relatives are different, they are related by blood!

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