Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

The Tang family treated her like a family, and treated her like her eyes, but she just regarded herself as an outsider and refused to integrate.

But while spending other people's money, she used the money to buy false friendships, and ended up with that end, and she deserved it!

In this life, Su Kui could not have lived like her.

So she looked up quickly, without any embarrassment. The dark eyes seemed to have stars, sparkling, with a big smile, revealing two rows of white tusks. "You are right, I couldn't see who was before. The good guys are the bad guys, so they are always cheated, but they wo n’t!

Hong Yu froze for a moment.

Originally according to Yi Yao who she understood, after hearing her words, Yi Yao would be angry and scolded at her, or she would turn around and leave.

But instead of being angry, she said to her with a smile, she was right.

This kind of surprised Hong Yu.

She pursed her lips and looked away uncomfortably. Really, how could she not find it before? The little fat man smiled quite flatteringly.

Moreover, she doesn't look ugly at all, but she looks like a New Year's doll, with delicate facial features, every line is just right, it looks very soft, I want to pinch-

Well, then, Hong Yu really got started.

Su Kui, who was pinched to her cheek, opened her eyes and looked at Hong Yu in surprise, and Hong Yu was also dumbfounded.

But she reacted quickly, and saw the slightly fleshy girl open her small mouth in surprise, at a loss, and calmly withdrew her hand, patting Su Kui on the shoulder and saying, "Go, go to the toilet together!"

The friendship between girls is so wonderful, especially in the time on campus, both men and women, always want to go to the toilet together.

Su Kui obviously does not have this kind of consciousness.

The soul in her bones did not know how many generations of ancestors were old enough to be Hong Yu, and the fact that they went to the toilet together happened only a long time ago.

Su Kui could not find the feeling at that time. She thought that if she wanted to go to the toilet, why should she be called to accompany her? Is it haunted in the toilet?

She gritted her lower lip and tangled, "But ... I don't want to go ..."

She doesn't want to go to the toilet!

Hong Yu's face was black, and the little fat man was still so unhappy!

She patted the table angrily, "I said let you accompany me to the toilet, will you go?"

This time, Hong Yu frightened the classmates next to them. They looked at Hong Yu in surprise. What was wrong with this? Who made this little bully angry again?

Hong Yu is a special presence in this class. She has a violent temper. She knows from turning her eyes on Su Kui before, but because of this, some people with Su Ya as their head did not dare to find Hong Yu. trouble.

In particular, she also has an uncle, who is the director of Taekwondo, so she learned from the ears and learned the skills. Su Ya like this, come to fight one by one, that is, ten together, Hong Yu is not afraid.

So, she slapped it on the table in front of Su Kui, and she was really imposing.

Su Kui was startled. She looked up and looked innocently at Hong Yu who was sighing. When she saw her, she stared at her.

How can this person like to stare so much!

Su Kui secretly slandered in his heart, his face quietly, like a little sheep, nodded quietly, "Then go."

As a result, this sentence made Hong Yu dissatisfied again, "Why is it said reluctantly? You don't want to go?"

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