Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

It seems to be the existence of a commercial hegemon.

Su Kui thought down while walking towards the head. The Tang family is a duplex building with two floors and many rooms. Yi Yao ’s room is at the end of the corridor.

But because of this, her room happened to be close to Jiangmao's.

In fact, Jiang Ao rarely comes back to live. In addition to enough money, Yi Yao is difficult to see the people of the Tang family, but they always use various methods to show good to her.

Except Jiangmao--

When picking Yi Yao to this house, Jiang Ai was still busy doing business with his grandfather, and naturally had no time to pay attention to her.

When she grew up, there was a huge purchase between the two. Although Jiang Ai was full of money now, she was only twenty-six years old, but she was serious. She was eight years older than Yi Yao.

Jiang Ao was rated as a miser by Tang's parents, which means that his character was a hangman, and he was spoiled by his grandfather as a mischievous demon, and he took no one's eyes.

Yi Yao sees that he has only fear, how could he approach him?

The lights on the corridor on the second floor did not turn on, and it seemed a little dim in the evening.

Su Kui was thinking about things and didn't even notice her feet. By the time she noticed, people had tripped out of control and threw forward.


The girl exclaimed uncontrollably, her mouth slightly opened, and the next moment, the intended pain did not come, but the floor was a little soft.

At this time, no matter how dull, I knew what was under me.

Su Kui quickly got up, listening to the man lying on the floor groaning, a rush of alcohol, Su Ku frowned.

She unhappily pushed the man's arm, "Hey, second uncle, you are drunk, go back to the room and sleep, it will catch cold here!"

Although the weather is hot now, Tang's house is well ventilated and air-conditioned. If he sleeps here for a night, he will definitely catch a cold.

"Go away, don't bother me."

Jiang Ai felt a fly flying around her ears, buzzing, could not help raising her hand and waving it, and turned over in discontent.

My heart is still strange, why is the bed today so hard!

Thinking about this, he frowned, a little bit more dissatisfied, who was cleaning his room, and actually changed his bed! Tomorrow, when he is more comfortable, he must dismiss the servant!

But now, his head hurts!

Su Kui bulged with a chubby cheek and stared at the man lying on the ground. The man undoubtedly has a delicate face, even delicate to some feminine, but because of a pair of long eyebrows flying obliquely into the temples, he has a little more heroism.

At this moment, his pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes were half-opened and half-closed, his long eyelashes were sparse, and there was no focal length in his deep, dark eyes, and there was a fog in it. At first glance, he was drunk.

"Second Uncle!"

Su Kui pushed him again, not mad.

How could this person look like this, looking good-looking, I didn't expect to be an alcoholic!

"Don't make a fuss!" Jiang Ai frowned, grabbing the messy little hand, soft and soft, like a ball of cotton, so that sleeping on the floor, Jiang Ao felt uncomfortable and even could not bear it. Live, want to pull this hand to come over, in order to be more comfortable.

"Second Uncle, what are you doing, you are really drunk, go back to the room and rest, okay?"

The girl sighed and stared at the man on the ground, not knowing what to do for a while.

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