Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

You know, Jiangmao is most afraid of women crying.

Because he felt that the most troublesome woman crying!

"Of course good. You were late because of me. You can rest assured that the second uncle will not let the teacher punish you!" Jiang Ai patted the girl's hairy little head. It was originally just a random one, and I didn't think much about it.

When the hand was retracted, I realized how intimate this action was.

Su Kui also noticed that she lowered her head, her round ear lobes, and a hint of powder.

Softly said: "Thank you uncle."

Jiangmao's heart softened, and he didn't realize it. His eyes were very gentle, "No need to thank, let's go, the second uncle will send you in."

Why didn't you realize that the little girl was so pleased? At a glance, it makes people uncontrollably like it.

It's so tender and tender, it looks delicious and soft at first glance!

The uncles and nephews have found the class where Su Kui is located. The current school has no future class. Many children choose not to go to junior high school, and there is no future overcrowding in a high school. .

A class of 40 or 50 people is enough.

In the early self-study, the class teacher and the language teacher were explaining yesterday's topic. Halfway through, I suddenly heard the classroom door knocked.


She looked back hesitantly and saw a man standing outside the classroom with his back to the sun, a long figure, and an impeccable appearance.

Although these words are piled up on a man, it will be easy for people to feel girly.


Apart from these vocabularies, there is really no other vocabulary to describe men outside the classroom.

Even if the head teacher is a forty-year-old mother who has already given birth to a child, she can't help but feel a little embarrassed by the sprout of spring.

She put down the book, walked to the door, let out a soft voice and asked, "Hello sir, who are you looking for?"

As I approached, I saw that the skin of the man was so delicate that he could hardly see the pores.

Jiang Ao did not skimp on her male charm, and raised a smile to Su Kui's class teacher, and said slowly: "Hello, I am Yi Yao's second uncle. Today I sent her to school and saw that The school has already started classes, so I wanted to come over and explain. The reason why she was late was because I was sick and no one at home took care of her, so it was really embarrassing to delay her time. "

The man's eyelashes are long and loose, like a fan, and in the blink of an eye, silent electric current is transmitted.

"Cough ..."

The head teacher couldn't stand the charm, fearing the disorder, he quickly moved his eyes away, and dared not stare at the narrow and deep phoenix eyes, fearing that he would be sucked into his mind.

"It's okay, it's okay, Yi Yao is a good boy. I know, Yi Yao, go ahead and sit down. If you encounter this kind of thing in the future, just call the teacher and the teacher will understand you."

Su Kui secretly uttered her tongue, admiring Jiang Ai's charm in her heart.

You know, usually, this class teacher, but a very bitter and serious woman, classmates privately called her old virgin. Even the arrogant Su Ya did not dare to make an order in front of her.

Because this woman really punishes students!

Su Kui breathed a sigh of relief, quietly passed a thankful look towards Jiangmao, and whispered, "Thank you teacher," and then trot into the classroom, waiting to sit in his place, still feeling uneasy.

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